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Feb 14, 2022
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I'm trying to put together a batch as directed in lons recipe with the exception of the tannins( getting today) I cant get the sg to 1.070 I've added at least 2 cups additional sugar and stirred thoroughly. Im at 1.064. Any suggestions? At this point I have to let it sit. I need to get to work.
If you have made certain it is really stirred, I use the expression, beat it like it's a rented mule. Then FermCalc JS
is your friend or download the app to your iphone, android, ipad, tablet, whatever. I am assuming you have a 5 gallon batch and are at 1.064, want to get to 1.070, Fermcalc says add 0.7 lbs more of sugar or 0.34 Kg, if you prefer that kind of units. I would say add half, stir well (see rented mule above), measure, decide how much more to add or just add it all.
If you have made certain it is really stirred, I use the expression, beat it like it's a rented mule. Then FermCalc JS
is your friend or download the app to your iphone, android, ipad, tablet, whatever. I am assuming you have a 5 gallon batch and are at 1.064, want to get to 1.070, Fermcalc says add 0.7 lbs more of sugar or 0.34 Kg, if you prefer that kind of units. I would say add half, stir well (see rented mule above), measure, decide how much more to add or just add it all.
Thanks, im pretty sure I stirred well enough. Letting it sit till I get hone from work and ill check it again. Thanks for the app tip!
Looking back, I wish I weighed it instead of using a measuring cup. I should've know better being a sourdough baker.
for adding sugar, it's doesn't make much difference. If you're off by a bit, it's doesn't matter as the SG is what is important, not the amount of sugar that is added.
Looking back, I wish I weighed it instead of using a measuring cup. I should've know better being a sourdough baker.
OMG, I know exactly what you mean. I make my own bread too and whenever I'm doing the wine "thing" there's a voice screaming in my head, "You have to weigh that to the gram!!"
I'm still not used to the mostly devil-may-care "close enough" procedures.
OMG, I know exactly what you mean. I make my own bread too and whenever I'm doing the wine "thing" there's a voice screaming in my head, "You have to weigh that to the gram!!"
I'm still not used to the mostly devil-may-care "close enough" procedures.
Look at this from a different POV. If the OG is 1.090, 1.091, 1.095, or 1.100 -- what are you going to do that is different? The ABV will be different, but that won't make much difference in the final product. This is a totally different paradigm.

That said, there's nothing wrong with measuring to the microgram, if it makes you feel better. ;)
I retested it last night when I got home and was at 1.070. Goes to show when you think the sugar is dissolved, its not.
I noted that with the FWK I started last fall. Put everything together, stir well, record the SG. The following morning stir again and check the SG -- different from the night before.

This makes me question the OG on every batch I've made. Not that I'm concerned about it -- but it's something to consider for the future.
In order to decrease the stirring time. I use a simple syrup to get to the final SG. I dump sugar by weight to get close and let it sit overnite. The syrup is 4 lbs sugar and 4 cups water. Gently simmer till sugar is dissolved. Do not get it too hot or it will start to caramelize and turn straw color! Cool and store in 1.75 bottle. Use as needed.
In order to decrease the stirring time. I use a simple syrup to get to the final SG. I dump sugar by weight to get close and let it sit overnite. The syrup is 4 lbs sugar and 4 cups water. Gently simmer till sugar is dissolved. Do not get it too hot or it will start to caramelize and turn straw color! Cool and store in 1.75 bottle. Use as needed.
Good idea, this way its ready to go
In order to decrease the stirring time. I use a simple syrup to get to the final SG. I dump sugar by weight to get close and let it sit overnite. The syrup is 4 lbs sugar and 4 cups water. Gently simmer till sugar is dissolved. Do not get it too hot or it will start to caramelize and turn straw color! Cool and store in 1.75 bottle. Use as needed.

If you are going to all the trouble to do this, add a little bit of acid in there, like a tsp of lemon juice, and invert the sugar at the same time,. Makes it easier for the yeast to ferment it.