RJ Spagnols RJS ORCHARD BREEZIN Blackberry Blast - to oak or not?

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Apr 21, 2021
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Hi All...

Gonna be doing my 1st ever RJS ORCHARD BREEZIN Blackberry Blast.

I plan to add 4lbs sugar to increase the ABV -- per suggestions from multiple peeps.

Was wondering if I should add some oak chips to the fermentation or not?

I'd add a cup of chips or shredded oak, as it will help stabilize tannins and color. It will deepen the flavor a bit without overdoing the oak.
Is this a 4week vino project for you typically? I need to plan out my Speidels usage.

Is this a 4week vino project for you typically? I need to plan out my Speidels usage.
While I have bottled kits on kit schedule, I'm not bottling anything before the 4 month mark. If you didn't chaptalize, it might be fine to bottle at the 4 week mark, but you're making a full-strength wine, so I'd give it 3 months in bulk. YMMV
I always oak my BB. Definitely can't go wrong with it... I oak in my primary for the reasons listed by @winemaker81 and then oak in the secondary as well, for the taste. I use shredded in the primary and chips in the secondary. Good luck.
I always oak my BB. Definitely can't go wrong with it... I oak in my primary for the reasons listed by @winemaker81 and then oak in the secondary as well, for the taste. I use shredded in the primary and chips in the secondary. Good luck.
Do ya Jack up the ABV via added sugar?

Still pondering...as I want this available for consumption this summer. 🤔
Still pondering...as I want this available for consumption this summer.
For summer consumption, target 1.090 and skip the aging oak. If you start now, you can bottle by the end of June. IMO that's not optimal, but it fits your time frame and it will work. While more time will make it better, you'll get what you need.

Next year, start in January.
For summer consumption, target 1.090 and skip the aging oak. If you start now, you can bottle by the end of June. IMO that's not optimal, but it fits your time frame and it will work. While more time will make it better, you'll get what you need.

Next year, start in January.
Slept on it and will wait a bit and do it up using the appropriate protocol/timing - no need to rush it :) I appreciate the insight/words of wisdom!

Finally have some free Speidels so gonna fire this up soon.

Plan to add 4lbs of sugar to bump the ABV...but have a question...

Should I get the must to the 6gal point then add the sugar or should I add the sugar earlier & then bring it to the 6gal mark? 🤔

Finally have some free Speidels so gonna fire this up soon.

Plan to add 4lbs of sugar to bump the ABV...but have a question...

Should I get the must to the 6gal point then add the sugar or should I add the sugar earlier & then bring it to the 6gal mark? 🤔


If you know you are going to add 4 lbs of sugar, no matter what (and that's what I do) I add the first gallon of water, the juice, then rinse the bag, add the sugar, then remaining water to get near to 6 gallons. I sometimes short the water just a bit, since I know I will be adding the flavoring pak at the end.
I’ve soaked my oak chips in 2 cups of bourbon for a week and then add it all into secondary and it gives the blackberry a nice flavor of oak and hint of bourbon. Taste great
For summer consumption, target 1.090 and skip the aging oak. If you start now, you can bottle by the end of June. IMO that's not optimal, but it fits your time frame and it will work. While more time will make it better, you'll get what you need.

Next year, start in January.
If I bottled at the end of June I would start my next one in July…😂😂😂
Well, better late than never I guess.... lol :)

Finally started this bad boy -- and will be ready now in time for Christmas! (w/3months bulk aging)

w/4# sugar -- OG 1.092

Tossed in 40g MT FR/AM chips from some other vino.

Cheers & Very Merry Early Christmas to ya! :cool:
2weeks and FG = .992

As this is my first backsweetened vino -- curious how long folks wait after adding the PSorbate before doing the backsweetening? The instructions make it sound like just add and swirl/stir for 1min and then you can backsweeten.

I'm gonna wait 24hrs...

As this is my first backsweetened vino -- curious how long folks wait after adding the PSorbate before doing the backsweetening? The instructions make it sound like just add and swirl/stir for 1min and then you can backsweeten.
I stabilize and backsweeten immediately. The yeast will not immediately begin multiplication, and the sorbate + K-meta present will prevent that. It hurts nothing to wait, but there is no need to wait.
little over 1month into bulk aging.....took a small sampling and this is Excellent! Tastes like blackberry cobbler in a bottle :cool:

Will be bottled midNov and enjoyed over the holidays (Nov & Dec).

You could bottle it now, start another batch and have it bottled before Christmas if you wanted too. 😁 Most of those Orchard Breezin kits are really tasty. For summer we love the Tropical Lime.
You could bottle it now, start another batch and have it bottled before Christmas if you wanted too. 😁 Most of those Orchard Breezin kits are really tasty. For summer we love the Tropical Lime.
Will have to give that one a try for summer! Do you bulk age your Breezin kits at all?
Will have to give that one a try for summer! Do you bulk age your Breezin kits at all?
I normally bottle at the beginning of month 3. 1 month to make the wine, 1 month to bulk age and then bottle. Orchard Breezin kits and Island Mist Kits really don’t need much time to age as you can already tell by how good your blackberry wine is now. Most wine makers who bulk age are are tweaking their kits with wood or more fruit but if your just simply adding a bag or sugar to up the alcohol % you don’t need much bulk aging.