Rehydrating kieselsol gel

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May 21, 2014
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I noticed one of the packs that came with my kits has ended up crystalized. Can I just mix it up with water? Why is it in gel form in the first place? Is it only because squeezing empty a flat pack of gel is easier than gel in a cup?
I noticed one of the packs that came with my kits has ended up crystalized. Can I just mix it up with water? Why is it in gel form in the first place? Is it only because squeezing empty a flat pack of gel is easier than gel in a cup?

There is some relevant info here:

I do not know the answers to your questions. I might first try heating the kieselsol up a bit (say, in 90C water) before I tried mixing it with water.
There is some relevant info here:

I do not know the answers to your questions. I might first try heating the kieselsol up a bit (say, in 90C water) before I tried mixing it with water.

Thanks, that seems to be the exact problem. Reading up on it and giving it some thought I should just spend a few euros and get a new dose. That or just skip it's use and keep it in the carboy a bit longer before bottling. I guess if I skip Kieselsol I should also skip the addition of Chitosan at least in whites.

A moderator could merge these two threads as mines obviously a duplicate.
I noticed one of the packs that came with my kits has ended up crystalized. Can I just mix it up with water? Why is it in gel form in the first place? Is it only because squeezing empty a flat pack of gel is easier than gel in a cup?
My Son is a Chemistry major and we looked up Kiselsol and it appears to be silica, so we believe a fine powder of silica is added to water to make it. When it dehydrates again, it forms into crystals.

We took a mortar and pestle, and carefully fine ground the silica back to a powder and added it to distilled water. Then used as normal with chitosan. We are awaiting the results but it ought to work as intended.