Refrigerator transformed to Cellar

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Senior Member
Aug 17, 2005
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I am new in making wine, I made so far 2 wine kits and 2 other are fermenting (don’t pay attention to my grammar I am French). Anyway somebody was talking about using his refrigerator as cellar wine and that gave me the ideal to do the same, because I have an old fridge. I had to truck the thermostat to get the right temp (10 to 15 Celsius) I am not sure for the humidity I have nothing yet to measure it, but I filled up the 2 containers that was use for vegetable at the bottom with water. I think I can put over 60 bottles I hope.

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Put you some small water containers in the door with lids and small holes in the top and you will have more space for the good stuff!
That old fridge looks newer than our only fridge!

If I had a spare fridge, I would keep it in the garage full of beer.

Your english is wonderful, Casper!

Trust me, I have experience and when I say that you will always be understood if people want to understand.

C'est une refrigerator jolie (avec le vin!!!)!!! So, that's about the french I know. Now you can make fun of me.
there is a guy on ebay who sells thermostats for controling refridgerators for wine coolers.
Most of the refrigerators with freezer have a trap follow by a hole up to the freezer just beside the thermostat. What I did I stick the thermostatsensor into that hole where it is colder. So the thermostat starts the refrigerator at higher temperature in the fridge. That how I got the right temp.
looks like some dessert wines on the top... now i know what to do with all those empty tubs of ice cream!!!
The small bottles are White Zinfandel Mist (Raspberry) my wife wine and the rest are Chardonnay.
OK, I have an older fridge in my laundry room, where I ferment my wines (old closet) and I got the temp down as far as I can, andits at 40 degrees. Will I have a problem putting my corked and capped wines in there with the temp that low?? I know that it should be around 62 to 64 degrees, right??
It should optimally be around 55*F and 50-60% RH. Actually keeping the temp as constant as possible is the best thing to do, regardless of that temp. My house fluctuates from 68 to 74 degrees and the wine does not seem to suffer.
My wine cellar finally done, Temp 13 Celcius, Humidity 50 % and can hold 90 Bottles

Wow, That looks great!!!! Now you need a see through glass door so you can enjoy the view..

If I can be so bold, how much did the whole thing cost?