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Joan, add some energizer, about 2 gallon of water, an airlock and let er bump !!!
Hehehe...Waldo, you're something else!!
Joan said:
AAArrrrgh!! George, the red grape concentrate I bought from you the order before last had a poofed out bottom of the bottle when I unpacked the box. I didn't think anything of it until I read NW's post about the problem. I haven't used it. What should I do with it?

Joan...put it in the fridge before it breaks the seal and makes a mess.

I bought4 bottles at a store last week or so...when I got them home the jiggling in the car had made 2 of them pooch was leaking. I used 2 bottles in a batch of Strawberry wine and everything seems to be fermenting as usual.....I can tell which one was leaking because it has the most stained label, the one that was pooched looks like others in that fridge from a previous purchase....from now on Iwill keep all of mine in the fridge upon arrival.

I put this question out in another Fourm....another retailer has had the problem with maybe 25% of his stock...which he has pulled off the shelves...He said people will buy concentrate in buckets already fermenting and think nothing of it...Like it is a bonus.

So...I guess the jury is still out on what is causing it...and if it is safe to use.
Just got a case of NEW red grape concentrate....Hope this stuff doesn't start to ferment in the bottle.....Maybe I'll store it in the fridge just incase....?

Now just have to find time to make some wine....actually...running out of bottles and space to store the stuff....Must be time to consume more or give it away.
Dang NW, still about 2 months til Christmas and you're already in the giving mood
Well...I put the case of Red Grape concentrate in the root/wine cellar...It is about 62-64* down there....went to get a couple bottles today and found 3 bottles with pooched out bottoms....So Put the restin the downstairs fridge [where they should have been put to begin with]
Guess this batch wasn't stable either...But they didn't break the seal and foam out of the bottle.

The batch number is on the box...Batch Number #0125507. There is no batch number on the bottles.

So if you have some stock on hand...check in on them. The last batch that I had a problem with stored well/stable in the fridge.Edited by: Northern Winos