WineXpert Raspberry Chocolate Port style

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Still lost.....
Sep 25, 2012
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I started this 'port' on Thursday 10/09 and followed the directions based on the SG level (not necessarily the number of days to get that SG level).

When SG was 1.020 I did the chaptalization by adding dextrose per the instructions, however it didn't take 5~7 days for the SG to drop to this level, it was like 3 days or close to 4.

Anyway, the dextrose/sugar bumped the SG to 1.030 as expected.

Couple of days later, the SG was back to 1.020

Instructions call for "secondary" after 5~7 days and to stabilize if SG is <=1.020
I racked/stabilized (k-meta and sorbate and stirred A LOT) without waiting for 5 or 7 days because the SG was right at 1.018 after 2 days.
NOTE: I did not add the fining agents or back sweeten.

So I stirred the heck out of it, even placed into a 6gal bucket and used drill-mounted stirrer. Foam and bubbles subsided but still kept coming a little bit.
I then placed everything back into a 3gal carboy and placed airlock.
It's been 4 days under air lock and still tiny and medium bubbles coming up and activity in the air lock.

Still, I have NOT added fining agent nor back sweeten waiting for bubbles to go away.

Checked SG this morning and it was ~1.008 like if it is still fermenting....

What should I do? :m
The instructions are:
1) Mix
1b) After 5-7 days, and SG 1.020, add dextros
2) After 5-7 more days, and SG 1.018, rack
3) After 10 more days, and SG below 1.01 stablize

You did step 1b after 3 days at the correct SG, so no harm there.

Seems like you mixed up step 2 and 3. You racked (per step 2), but also tried to stabilize early (1.018, not 1.010).

What to do now: Wait the full 10 days, check your SG, and then stabilize again. Go to your local LHBS and get a small bottle of Potassium Metabisulite.

Here is what I would do:
After 8 days - Check SG
After 2 more days - Check SG
If SG is unchanged, the proceed, otherwise repeat
Stabilize. I think the correct dose is 1/4 tsp of K-Meta. I do not think you need to add anymore K-sorbate. Other guys will correct me on this.
Picking up with Step 3 in the Instructions:
Add F-pack
Add package #5 - Chitosan or isinglass
Record SG
After 2 days, check SG. If not the same, wait 2 more days and check again. If still not the same, then you will need more k-meta and k-sorbate.

By adding k-meta and k-sorbate early, your kit is likely to stop fermenting a little early. This will result in a sweeter port. So, when adding the f-pack, check as you add to avoid making it too sweet for your taste.
Sorry...I did stabilized at 1.010
It was a typo.

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Sorry...I did stabilized at 1.010
It was a typo.

You have to wait until it stops fermenting to stabilize. That is why they have you wait 10 days, then make sure the SG is below 1.010.

Note: Bubbles is not a good way to know when it has stopped fermenting. It can keep bubbling long after it has stopped fermenting.

Check the SG. Has it changed since the last reading (at least 2 days ago)? If it is unchanged, it is done fermenting.
Note: Bubbles is not a good way to know when it has stopped fermenting. It can keep bubbling long after it has stopped fermenting.

Check the SG. Has it changed since the last reading (at least 2 days ago)? If it is unchanged, it is done fermenting.

Words of wisdom right there. Never rely on airlock or surface activity alone. Your hydrometer is your friend.
I'm gonna start checking daily (which is what I should've done anyways), but am still concerned that if the bubbles don't stop it may or may not be wise to add fining agents and back sweeten.

So now I plan to keep checking the SG until the weekend, if no changes then I will proceed to try degassing one more time (my arm still hurts...:p) and then add fining agent, stir again and then back sweeten.

We'll see....

I checked and SG seems to be just the same after 4 days, around 1.008 which is what it was 4 days ago.

But still tiny bubbles coming up...sigh
Reminds me of MLF.

It has already sediment visible on the bottom.
I will stir again with all that sediment, add f-pack, stir and then add fining agent.

Best of luck to me...

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Finally got to add fpack and fining agent, will leave alone for 2 weeks then rack.

Dumb you drink these port style wine chilled? Lol

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Let's see, hmmmmm . . . Chocolate Raspberry Port .. . Yes, I drink it chilled sometimes. Other times I drink it at room temp. I often drink it poured over vanilla ice cream. Now, that's a treat.;)
If your arm hurts you must be trying to degas manually. Invest in a good portable electric drill mounted wine wisp. The one with the three finger like prongs on the end seems to be the best. It is pricey but well worth it. The cheapest one I've seen was home made from a plastic clothes hanger. I saw a video on YouTube where someone cut the hanger on both side at the top to remove the part that hangs over the clothes rod. They then heated the plastic to soften it and straightened it out. Next they heated one end and formed it into like a hook shape. If I didn't already own a three prong one I'd be tempted to try the home made approach. The price is defiantly right.

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