raising the ABV

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Senior Member
Dec 12, 2007
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I was wondering on the lower end wine kits, that if the ABV% is lower that the upper end kits that the shelf life on them would not be as long, right?? So would it be beneficial to add more sugar to raise the ABV% and if so how much and would you have to add yeast to it?
I dont know if they have enough flavor profile there to support a higher abv. You would not need more yeast. If I were to plat around with a kit of this stature I would probably only bring the abv up from say 1.085 to about 1.095 and that would probaly require 1 1/2 lbs of sugar give or take a little.
What lower end kits are you talking about pizz? It would make a big difference. The cheaper full wine kits are already balanced for their proper ABV. The mist type kits are indeed much lower, but are meant as more of a cooler type than a true wine. They can be boosted and will age better. Even with the lower ABV they keep fine for a couple years.
Hi Frank, hows the trucking going? - Bill.....
This is the same question that I asked of George the other day, his response was not to raise the ABV more then 3% ,( on the cheaper Kits), because of loss of flavor... roughly 1 lbs sugar/ 1% change in ABV per 6 gal batch. this was my understanding of his comments, hope it is correct. That being said.... would the sugar be added during the primary stage or can it be added anytime before the wine is stabilized? (it would make sense to do it sooner rather then later)

On the same lines as Pizz65 is , most kits say that a given wine can be consumed in xxx # of months, but is best after xxx # months or years. My question is about the later part of this statement ....
If a wine peaks after 1 year , how long will it keep and still be a good wine? Does it make a difference from the cheaper kits to the more expensive kits? Or does it make a difference how it is stored? Or is it a combination of these factors?
Fly*guy said:
Hi Frank, hows the trucking going? - Bill.....
This is the same question that I asked of George the other day, his response was not to raise the ABV more then 3% ,( on the cheaper Kits), because of loss of flavor... roughly 1 lbs sugar/ 1% change in ABV per 6 gal batch. this was my understanding of his comments, hope it is correct. That being said.... would the sugar be added during the primary stage or can it be added anytime before the wine is stabilized? (it would make sense to do it sooner rather then later) add it before

On the same lines as Pizz65 is , most kits say that a given wine can be consumed in xxx # of months, but is best after xxx # months or years. My question is about the later part of this statement ....
If a wine peaks after 1 year , how long will it keep and still be a good wine? Does it make a difference from the cheaper kits to the more expensive kits? Or does it make a difference how it is stored? Or is it a combination of these factors? It is a combination of all these. More alcohol stores longer. All the other factors influence aging. As a rule drink the cheap kits up sooner. The more expensive kits drink most of it up in the 1-5 year range and maybe age a few bottles another year or two.