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I carry that product for $.51 less thanMidwest. Here is the link:


The reason they don't make this for the 1-gallon jugs is the neck is too small. The opening is only 1-1/8" wide. When you subtract the with oftwo, 3/8" canes and/or tubes, there is only 3/8" left. This would leave 1/8" on each side and 1/8" in the middle, after you drill the holes. There would be very little cap to hold everything in place.
Damn.....there has to be another way to get it to work in a gallon. Would like your catalog FineVineWines....I don't have the patience for On Line catalogs and get bored looking for the products I want....do you have a hard copy of your catalog????? Thanks!!!
I don't publish a catalog at this time. They are very expensive and I don't have the money that Victoria's Secret has! In addition, printed catalogs don't provide me the flexibility I need to grow. I have doubled the number of products I carry in the last year and last month I lowered allmost all of my bottle prices. As a result, I would be having to re-do and re-print my catalog contantly. I do have a downloadable catalog, but it is currently 50 pages and only has descriptions. No pictures. It also does not reflect the most recent price changes. I just thought of that. Oh well. On more project.
Been trying to download your catalog, will get to it tomorrow and will spend some time looking through it with a glass of wine in one hand....Thanks
George, You Are The Bomb when it comes to customer service!
I had to ask my 14 year old what that meant. I understand it is a very high compliement. Thank you.
Hey NW:

Perhaps you could take the orange colored cap, mount it to a small length of PVC pipe (2minches or so) the get a rubber reducer from 1 1/2" to 1" to fit the gallon jugs.

Just make sure tou sterilize all hardware store bought parts before you use it, although none of it would/could/should come in contact with the wine.

Also, on the Fine Vine catalog: When you have a need, like when you use that last Camden tablet and you say, Hey.... I have to remember to get more! Don't remember, just go to the "wish list" section (should be "Shopping List") and add it. Then when you have everyhing you need, or once a month, just place your order from your wish list. I love that list, it's going to save me some agrivation from my (not quite) "Senior Moments".
Kids are a great resource when it comes to language! Glad you had a resource tool available. I'd hate to have hurt your feelings while paying a compliment.

geocorn said:
I had to ask my 14 year old what that meant. I understand it is a very high compliement. Thank you.
Kids are a great resource for new sayings. My problem is that as soon as I know what something means, it is no longer in vogue, then my kids give me that "funny look". As a result, I try to stay away from new sayings.

By the way, what happened to groovy, far-out andright-on? I actually knew what they meant!
They come back around in the vernacular, but of course that's at the speed of light these days! 3 weeks ago my kids and all their friends were using a word and it left again so fast that I can't even remember what it was!
It might have been "cool" but I'm just not sure. I find it best to just stick to my language and let them laugh at the groovy and far out phrases I have!
I still hear people use them...mostly our age. Those terms had a little more staying power than some today.

My Dad still says Huba-Huba!!! Whatever that meant and I give him a "funny look" when he says it so guess it doesn't matter what generation you are from history repeats itself.

Hubba-Hubba means you like what you see! Most of the time it was used when a guy thought a girl was good looking. Gee, am I THAT old?
I called it a wish list as I just thought of it being used for customers to list items for others to buy for them. I never considered a customer might use it for themselves. Boy, do I feel stupid!

However, that did give me an idea. How about a listing of everything you have purchased through Fine Vine Wines with a link to re-order it. That way, you would not have to go through the catalog to find the items you purchase regularly, like corks and chemicals. Good idea or bad idea?
I see another Poll coming..............

I like the idea of the wish list for xmas time, and think would be a handy thing to have this time of year. After xmas you could just change the name to "Shopping List".

Would it be possible to build it as a "My Store" type page, were as I can set up what I would want to see on my page when I sign in (like "My MSN"). I don't mind going through the on line catalog (thats my wish list), but I would like a shopping list on the top of the page(like the wish list now), and an order list at the bottom. So if I have 15 items on top, but only so much money to work with, I can select 10 items, they go to the bottom, and continually update the $$ totals, so maybe I could buy 11 of my 15 items............ or more.........

Poll time!
That could be a project for your son! To do something like that is way over my head. I also think it would require cookies, of which I am not very found. On the other hand, I do see some real value. How much "free" time did you say your son had?
How much free time does he have.........

Well lets see....... he just came home for the weekend looking for food. So, while Mommy cooks, Johnny is.............


Thats right....... Sleeping! I think he has time!

I talked with him about it (before he fell asleep) and he said he would know how to do it. I don't know about the cookie thing, but Im sure he does.
Oh, to be back in college.

We thought we had it rough in college. Boy were we wrong!
I use the clip like the others to help. If I can't fit the auto-siphon in a jug, I fill the tubing and cane with water. Just hold the cane under running water and leave the clip open. Water will come out the other end. When it is fairly free of bubbles, close the clip tight and bring the tube and cane to the transfer site. Put the cane in place. I use a cup to put the clip end in as I release the clip. The siphon easily starts with no sucking. After a second or two, the water is gone through so quickly close the clip, put it in the carboy and reopen the clip and your on your way. Works every time!

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