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Jul 4, 2004
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Alright all of you vineyard masters, I need some help. I received this question today and I do not have any vines, so please provide any input you may have to offer.

"I have an arbor that has 6 vines, I trim every yr knowing the grapes are better and they only grow on new growth the next yr. I have already determined what new growth to save for this next trimming. My question is would there be an advantage to trim now extra growth(folage) that I will just trim next yr? it would be easier to snip it now rather than wait till it gets wound and bound in the arbor at trimmintg time. Would this yrs grapes be any better if i snipped them now-extra neutreants to grapes- or not? Thanks and I await your reply."
It is perfectly fine to prune away extra canes now that will not be needed next year. It opens the vine up to the light better thus stimulating bud development for next years grapes. Don't overdo it or the vine may overcompensate and revert to a vegetative state rather than a fuiting state. In other words what growth that is left will become overvigorous and may develop long internodes, thus reducing fruiting buds. Also don't just prune the ends off of all the shoots. This stimulates buds to develop on what is left and they grow out into more shoots and you can soon have an overgrown mess. Hope this isn't confusing and will help you out a little.