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Just bottled my wine tonight. This was my first attempt at making wine. I live in a suburb of buffalo new York. I have a small yard so I don't have many of my own vines, but I just bottled 3 gallons on a RIESLING, I'm also making 3 gallons of a Catawba grape wine and 5 gallons of a Niagara grape wine. This was always a dream of mine and someday (once kids graduate high school) to move out further and have many vines!
Oh by the way I also made my own label using a modernized version of my families coat of arms. Look into Avery 22826 paper for labels its made for wine bottles and canning jars. Great stuff!!
More of my daughter's art work pirated for my labels. And yes, Addinetti (my winery name if you will) and my motto "ad majorem Dei gloriam" is purposefully blended in.

pinot grigio 2012.jpg
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I really want to see that one on a bottle of really bright clear wine. Going to look outstanding. Nice.

I was thinking that while I made it, Kraffty. The traminer-riesling is supposed to be a beautiful golden color. Should look nice. Now, I need to get that kit started! :)

And I like the Crayon art, Tony. Very cool! Monet-ish, if you will.
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Here is a template that I think i'll use for my wines, keep it homogeneous.


Dragon Blood.jpg

Hard Cider Label,jpgNG.jpg

Pinot Noir Label.png

Pinot Grigio.jpg


Berry Bliss Melomel.png

Berry Delight Label.jpg

Tropical Daze label.jpg

Chardonnay label.jpg
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He he he, thanks, the others I'm going to keep simple and uniform, as it us, I'll probably go through a drum of ink....LOL
Everyone's labels are great. I'm still new to making labels, but here is one of mine...

MM Blueberry Melomel.jpg

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Nice labels!! Lots of talented people here! :D

here's a couple new ones..

Labels for this year's Carrot, and our blueberry port
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