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In the mid-90's I was on my way home from work and there was an accident on the other side of a divided highway. (I-440, for those in the Raleigh area).

This was one of those with heavy on-looker delay, folks slowing down to stare ... a rather stupid thing, as that often causes another accident. So I glanced at the scene for only a moment. It was really hard to not look back and stare.

It was a chain reaction crash, 4 vehicles. The first vehicle was on the road, as expected. The second vehicle was on its nose, almost 90 degrees up, the third vehicle was under it, and the fourth one was on the road. More-or-less like this:


It was amazing to see -- I wish I had a picture of it.

For the folks involved, it was also amazing, but from a completely different POV. I'm still wondering how they got the passengers safely out of that second car. IIRC, it was a station wagon.