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Let's be honest -- it's not fake meat. It's just not quite what everyone was expecting.

View attachment 104057
Which came first. ..

Chicken vs. egg.... Chicken meets handsome roadrunner, it is love at first site, they have a family. Simple evolution creates modern chickens, which mankind cultivated into a species to lay eggs that are exploited to reproduce into meat birds and layers.

Egg vs. chicken. Egg hatches, chicken is born, meets handsome young rooster, also born from egg, raises family to feed humans delicious eggs, but also raised as sustainable meat in a farm like setting...

Let's be honest -- it's not fake meat.

May I hear your argument?
Search for Soylent Green ...

I was having a conversation last night about how lab grown meat has been approved in the us. I guess with that on my mind I turned your statement into more than intended.

I have seen Soylent Green. I won't be eating lab grown meat, either.

Looks like it is time to get some chickens.
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I was having a conversation last night about how lab grown meat has been approved in the us. I guess with that on my mind I turned your statement into more than intended.
I figured "soylent green" would make it clear I was joking, but obviously not! :)

Although I chuckled at your response, so at least one person was amused!