Mosti Mondiale Perfectly Clear Chardonnay Clouding When Chilled

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score
DC Suburbs
I bottled my Rennaisance Aussie Chard about a month ago and it was pretty darn clear at that time. I was filtering a red that day with a 5 micron filter and figured it wouldn't hurt to run the white wine through first. So by the time I bottled a short time later, I had nice, clear wine. I pulled a bottle off the rack last night and chilled it. It was clear when it went into the fridge, but 30 minutes later, had clouded up. Any ideas as to what might have caused this?
Edited to add: it is definitely not condensation on the glass or bottle. Interestingly, as the wine warms, it clears back up, though not completely.
Very interesting. I am not sure what that is. Perhaps as it cools particles start coming out of solution and then as it warms they come back into solution?
Pectin content

FIRST let me state that this is a normal reaction to cold ,that is to say there are still particulars in suspensions that are not removed form either racking or filtering ( media type) it can appear for all to see it's clear but in a short while sediment can show up and reunion your day. THE other is pectin enzyme reacting to the cold fermentation process, either way you can remove the culprit of dismiss it from your thoughts.

THIS is all about doing the process with the right tools and following the process and yet it can STILL happen to the best of us.:wy:wy:wy:wy:wy:wy:wy:wy:wy

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