WineXpert Peach Apricot Chardonnay

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Jul 29, 2006
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Hi to All,

I have been reading this forum and want you to know how helpful it is. As a newbie I just finished bottling my WE Peach Apricot Chardonnay last weekend. It turned out better than I expected and not nearly as sweet as what I thought it would be. I decided to make this 1: It's been so hot here and sounded refreshing, it is; 2) Needed something to make quick while the others ferment and age. The other wines in the pipeline are the Australian Murray River River Reserve, clarifing now, smells and tastes good, just young and the Corvina Classico Di Veneto w/ Crushendo, just started this one today. Hope they all turn out well. I am new to wine, but my husband and I have beenmaking beer for a couple of years.

Oh, and Welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy browsing through. There is wealth of information here and a bunch of very friendly folk to help you.

Welcome, Val -- a great group here and I'm sure, with your brewing experience, you'll add to the tremendous amount of experience on this site! Welcome aboard!
Be sure to red George's new instructions for racking the Crushendo into secondary. It's really difficult if you don't follow that technique.