PA Chilean Wine From juice 2021 ?

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Sep 4, 2020
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May I ask how on average these turn out ? I tried grapes and juice oh 8 years ago with not so much Luck.
Only my Russian friend drank it because it was alcohol .No Bun intended
The only mistake I realized is not stirring enough after 1 st racking too get the air out.

Gonna assume PA is chilean buckets purchased in PA. The chilean wines i did from juice were every bit as good as the cali juice. And same for cali grapes of similar prices. i purchased in south jersey. Bucket brand was Toro i think. And i’m pretty sure these are the same chilean sources available in the Pittsburg area as well.
IMO you should definitely give it another shot.
Yes I was refering too the Spring Juice from Chilean.
My Go Too wine is a Malbec from Argentina No one compares too there's I have found .
I have tasted many Chilean red wines they are bitter and harsh tasting ,Hopefully someone can point me too A nice one


the Chilean buckets I have seen as the QA lab for the vinters club tends to be low on TA but otherwise pretty good, , , and folks are making good wine from our suppler totally ignoring the recommendation to add more acid

the specific growing region will influence your finished product. Chile has a variety of climate zones some of which are hot (low TA) and some which rival our best Napa valley, unfortunately I have no idea how our supplier sources juice.
2020 reds pH 3.46 to 3.86; TA 0.34 to 0.56%; grav 1.084 to 1.092
2020 whites pH 3.63 to 3.65; TA 0.32% to 0.46%; grav 1.090 to 1.093

the Chilean buckets I have seen as the QA lab for the vinters club tends to be low on TA but otherwise pretty good, , , and folks are making good wine from our suppler totally ignoring the recommendation to add more acid

the specific growing region will influence your finished product. Chile has a variety of climate zones some of which are hot (low TA) and some which rival our best Napa valley, unfortunately I have no idea how our supplier sources juice.
2020 reds pH 3.46 to 3.86; TA 0.34 to 0.56%; grav 1.084 to 1.092
2020 whites pH 3.63 to 3.65; TA 0.32% to 0.46%; grav 1.090 to 1.093
Thank you for the information,So in basics terms I should be OKAY too just pitch the yeast and follow the basic's ?
Grapes are close to the ideal fermentation substrate and actually are the ideal from that special growing region which makes a vintage year. You should not fail running as is, great grandpa never did.
Thank you for the information,So in basics terms I should be OKAY too just pitch the yeast and follow the basic's ?
I run a lot of home grown fruit wines and my approach is “what do I need to mix in to make it more like a vintage grape”
To your question, the figure is a look at balance on three finished wines;
1) is a cherry which I would score as thin/ overly sweet ~pH 3.75; TA .50%; grav 1.012
2) is a northern blend of PetitePearl and a white which I would score as sour ~pH 3.27; TA .49%; grav .992
3) is a nationwide chardonay from a california producer pH 3.63; TA .5%; grav .992
A lot of how good your wine bucket will taste is called balance. normal finish on a wine kinda follows the blue line but if the pH is exceptional it may taste sour, your Russian friend loves it, some back sweetening makes more folks like it, even though the grams of acid (TA) was perfect. Likewise if the sugar balance is high the reaction can be "wow the eighteen year olds really like this stuff but why doesn't the Russian friend?"

You won't know how to balance the juice bucket till it is finished, but at the bucket stage you can decide I like dry wine so what gravity do I want to bottle it at? or I like sweeter wine so what pH and TA should it have. ~~~ when you have your bucket fermented and clear pop back on WMT with specific questions, WMT has folks that can help at that point.
May I ask how on average these turn out ? I tried grapes and juice oh 8 years ago with not so much Luck.
Only my Russian friend drank it because it was alcohol . No pun intended
So in basics terms I should be OKAY too just pitch the yeast and follow the basic's ?
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