Oxyclean detergents

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Apr 2, 2010
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Will someone please tell me if I can use Oxyclean to wash bottles.....and which kind..dishwashing or laundry detergent kind...</font>
You can use either kind, just check for added chlorine. You don't want to use one with added chlorine if possible. It is a very effective cleaner.
Both are good advice. I use it all the time to clean everything. Rich, I did not know there was one with chlorine, I'll have tolook for that. I buy 13# boxes ar Sams club or Home Depot.
I think I should have said...... Sun detergents....it has oxyclean in it......on the front.....so is that the same as regular oxyclean.......I read a post last year I think on here where someone had usedthe Sun brand.......thanks to all for your advice....</font>
It would be hard to say without knowing the composition. It very well could be a mixture of regular detergent and oxiclean. I would not advise it. Just pick up a tub of the generic oxiclean at the supermarket and use it for bottles only.
Looks like Oxyclean is NOT the same as Oxiclean!

Your link shows Oxyclean contains 2.5% Chlorine.
WhileOxicleandoes not. My generic tub even has it on the label in both english "Chlorine Free" and spanish "Sin Cloro!" in big bold letters.
Yep, that's my point. You need to read the label ingredients of what you have in hand as they will vary from product to product. Some sources say they are all the same, but they aren't. They all work good, but I prefer to keep all chlorine products out of the winery if at all possible.