I'm new to wine making and forums. I just followed a recipe from the Alaskan Bootleggers Bible to make my second attempt at home wine making (I may talk about the first attempt one day when I can do it without laughing and crying). Anyhoo, I have a nice 3 gallon carboy with an airlock that I am doing my second fermentation in. Do I need to fill the airlock with water? I have no idea how to use the thing. Any help would be much appreciated
I'm new to wine making and forums. I just followed a recipe from the Alaskan Bootleggers Bible to make my second attempt at home wine making (I may talk about the first attempt one day when I can do it without laughing and crying). Anyhoo, I have a nice 3 gallon carboy with an airlock that I am doing my second fermentation in. Do I need to fill the airlock with water? I have no idea how to use the thing. Any help would be much appreciated