Oaking Muscadine

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Senior Member
Feb 15, 2010
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I have never added oak to a muscadine wine before, but am thinking about trying it now. I have 10 gal of Noble muscadine that I just racked for the 3rd time this past Saturday. I don't have my notes handy, but it fermented dry at 0.993 around mid-January. Based on my several samples (I also racked a blueberry, hic) I will probably bottle a good portion as a dry wine and backsweeten the rest. I think that I might like to try some oak in the dry version. I am uncertain if using oak at this stage will have much of an impact on flavor. I would appreciate your thoughts, opinions, or previous experiences relating to this question.
Many Thanks,Greg
I would recommend doing Hungarian oak, medium toast on both the Muscadine and Blueberry. For a 10 gallon batch I would use 4 oz. and start sampling after about 4 weeks on the oak.
Thanks for the reply. The 10 gal of muscadine is intwo 5 gal carboys, so I can do the 5 gal I plan to back sweeten with or without oak. I just wasn't sure if it would finish as well with a sweetened wine as it would a dry wine. I have some of this oak on hand:
"American White Oak Spirals - Medium Toast

Less tannins but more bouquet. Will impart more aroma than flavor. It has a
warm, sweet character with strong vanilla overtones."
Think this one will do?