Oaking how-to?

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Junior Member
Sep 30, 2012
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I have 6 gallons of Seyval Blanc that I started on September 14. I used Cotes des Blancs yeast and added sugar to an initial Brix of 22. On the 23rd the hydrometer read .990 so I racked and sulfited. I would like to oak this particular variety, as I like the taste of oaked Chardonnay.

The wine is clearing and there is a little sediment in the bottom of the carboy now.

My questions: I have a light toast oak stick made for carboy use. When do I add it to the carboy, and for how long? Do I need to let the wine clear completely and rack it again before adding the oak strip?

Also, 5 gallons of the wine are in the carboy, and one gallon is in a gallon jug which will be used to top up the carboy. If I oak the carboy and then add unoaked wine later, what will happen? Will it just taste less "oaky"?

Thanks much!
Break the 1 gallon into 2 - 1.5L bottles - oak one - see if you like it. Seyval has a different taste than a chardonnay - you may not like it oaked - or you might like it with an american oak vs french oak. Do bench trials - see what you like.

Then once you find what you like - oak the 5 gallons.

Don't have to wait until it is clear - but if you have sediment in the bottom - I would add the oak after you rack off this - let it age with the oak. Taste periodically and see when to remove it.
Good suggestions, thanks. Once I add the oak, how often should I plan to taste it? Daily? Weekly? Less often?
Hi Winemom, welcome to the forum. I saw your intoductory post but was unable to reply. Where in the Finger Lakes reagion are you? We lived in Fairport for 10 years just west of Canandaigua ("the chosen place"). We lived right across the street from Casa Larga Vineyard, if you know where that is. They made a great Vidal Blanc when we lived there but I don't recall any great amount of Oak in it.

As far as testing the oak in your Seyval Blanc, I would think weekly would do after the first month or so. If you oak the carboy and then top off with wine from the 1 gallon, you will see a very slight decrease in the oak intensity, probably not enough to matter. Sounds like you are going to be very busy.
We live southeast of Rochester in the suburbs. I took the lovely drive down to Fulkerson's on Seneca Lake for my juices. Winemaking isn't too time consuming, the yeast does 99% of the work!
how much oak?

:h actually this wine doesn't reflect oaking to well,2weeks a base mininum,most whites don't oak well with the exception of Chardonnay,and that is the exception to the rule for whites 2 to 3 weeks ,not much more except on the wine masters OK. :ft

:tzI would try 1 gallon french oak has more punch the American oak,deep roast,but be mindful of the time frame.on the other hand liquid oak comes in 2 oz. bottles and does a very nice job for 6 gallons of wine,not woody just enough ,have you ever used liquid oak?great product to experiment with.:db