Oak Hill Lane Cellars

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You saying you resemble that remark?
Fermentation is finished and racked into its new home. A neutral 60 gallon barrel that I added 1# of American Oak XOAKERS. These are the round spheres (about 1" dia) that you just put through the bung hole and then use a breathable silicone bung. I will leave a minimum 3 months and then taste and see what's happening. If I need more I will insert a stainless oak infusion tube and add more/different oak. Sure hope that this juice from Delicato works out. At $3.15/gallon it makes if just about right. AND all the work to that point has been done by others.

The other 5 gallon batch of the same juice has just finished fermenting too and was racked into another carboy. This is the one that we did nothing to - just letting it do its own thing. Interesting, the taste is quite a bit different than the other batch. The only difference is natural yeast. Going to be interesting - will probably add some oak to this but not sure as of yet.

Pictures later.

Yes, Mike, I do and here they are:

<DIV style="WIDTH: 250px; CLEAR: both">
<DIV style="MARGIN: 15px 25px" ="G24Brun">Xoakers
<DIV style="MARGIN: 15px 25px" ="G11Brun">FOR NEUTRAL BARRELS
<DIV style="LINE-HEIGHT: 14px; MARGIN: 15px 25px" ="G11Brun">These 1” solid oak spheres are perfect for precise, uniform additions of oak to neutral barrels.

Xoakers will contribute a complex oak character, rounding and softening wines while enhancing the mid-palate.

Xoakers are simply added to the barrel through the bunghole and then rolled back out during barrel washing.
<DIV style="WIDTH: 250px">

<UL style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold" ="G11Brun">
<LI>1-2 Xoakers per gallon recommended
<LI>Minimum contact time of 4 months recommended</LI>[/list]Al, I did have some oak borrers (not termites)in 2 of my barrels - and you know the wine does leak when the borrers have their way.

SO, had to order some 'spirles' to fix the barrels. These are conical plugs that you can drive into the hole. In the meantime, we had to pump (rack) the wines into other barrels until the order comes in. Then we fix and will have 2 emply barrels to fill - next year!!!. We have 3 full barrels at present and 19 carboys. Since it is starting to cool down we will start bottling soon. I have 2 to fix and one with solution so have plenty.



Hi all

Well, pruning time is upon us and I have about half done. There will be about 130 vines total with about 24 replacements for the syrah that did not make it. Then, I also planted 4 Teraldego and hope these will be fun. In a few years - 2-3 - there should be lots of production. The rule of thumb, when mature, is 1 gallon of finished wine per vine!!! So, hope we get there.

Anyway, hope all your Christmas's were good and everyone safe. HAPPY NEW YEAR All!!!

Pruning time? Gee, and I was just thinking which wines to select for New Year's Eve!

It must be because we have snow on the ground that I haven't thought about pruning...but maybe an nice walk to see how the vines are "weathering" the winter thus far will be nice.

Gee, Rick, you're inspiring!
Hope all of you are having a good holiday. Good to hear things are OK out west.
only 24 hours out of Christmas and he is pruning...THAT is dedication!

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