Nuking your must with a domestic microwave for improved flavor and color

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HI, my name is
May 30, 2013
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Researchers microwave red wine to improve quality

Found this be a bit interesting. Not sure if it would be a lot different than freezing the fruit. A video in the article had a before and after for color anyway.

I did a search on here for microwave and only turned up heating water for your yeast.

Any local experience with this method ?
heres your clue.
Funding is being sought to expand the trial commercially.
If you try to nuke 100 lbs of better have a very big nuker.
I have never seen a microwave as big as a truck, but its your wine..
nuke about 20 containers of fruit are grapes, and let us know how it taste.
Never tried it, but my first thought is "you are going to set the pecten. Next thing is how do I get my wine to clear. " Arne.
I do not think they are speaking of a giant microwave oven so much as they are speaking about exposing the wine to very specific levels of radiation. Research has been done on this in the past however, I am still not sure if it is in the end beneficial or bad for the wine. I imagine the idea is that you bombard the wine with some sort of energy source ( not particles) ie gamma rays or microwaves, these waves would then interact with the molecules in the wine either giving them energy to bond with something else or causing them to break apart into different compounds. Thus, possibly accelerating the aging process or possibly causing some sort of change in the flavour profile.

I can not say whether this works or not, but I believe that is the general idea of it.

Hmm, NVM I guess I did not read the article.. Oh well, my idea still stands.