RJ Spagnols Next red kit?

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Jan 22, 2012
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A friend suggested I try a Chilean Carmenere kit. Should I go with En Premier and 18 liters? Or Winery Series with 16 liters? I'm aging a Super Tuscan in the Winery Series. I hear way more talk about the Winery Series vs En Premier. I know more juice is better, but is quality better too? Thanks folks.
WAG, I have never made an EP but I have heard a lot of good things about the series. I have made a lot of Winery Series and I have always been pleased. Everything you say is true about 18 litres vs. 16 litres, in general. Since they are both RJS, I don't think you could go wrong with either one and the price differential is less than $5. It is really a coin flip but since you have tired a couple of the Winery Series, why not give the EP a try?
I'm basically in the same place as Rocky, but first I'll correct something. RJS' EP and Winery Series kits are both made with 18 litres. Outside of EP being slightly less oak and taking longer to age, I can't figure out any difference in the kits.

Like Rocky, though, I've made Winery Series and not EP, believe RJS is top-shelf, and like the idea of trying something new.

Tony P.
Start another Tuscan. Early indications are this is going to be fabulous. I have one at 9 months (tasted it last night and it's very good already) and I have another at 4 months.
Actually, Rocky and Tony are sort of both right - the Winery Series are 16 liters of main juice bag and about 2 liters of wet grapeskin pack for a total of 18 liters. The En Primeur, which I haven't made yet, are 18 liters of juice bag and the dried grapeskin pack.
I think the wet skins may be better than the dried skins but that is based on my experience with the RQ kits with dried skins vs the winerey series with wet skins and may not be a fair comparison.
WAG,I just ordered EN Primeur Amarone....it`s 18l/4.75 gal. with dried skins and french oak chips.... the en primeur Mapocho chilean carmenere has the same setup....where as the winery series is 18l/4.23 gal with grape skins,and the tuscan had american oak shavings...i have that one at 2 weeks!...lol UBB, How long are you gonna let yours sit?...a year before bottling?...i`m hoping to get a vinmetrica sc100a ...so can safely go DEEPER into aging...without guessing....
..lol UBB, How long are you gonna let yours sit?...a year before bottling?...i`m hoping to get a vinmetrica sc100a ...so can safely go DEEPER into aging...without guessing....

That's the plan.
That's the plan.

The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley. (The best laid schemes of mice and men go often awry.) To a Mouse, Robet Burns