I just finished my first wine, Moscato. It was a kit and didn't taste bad at all. So I've order a Cabernet Sauvignon to complete my second wine. I can wait to start working on the next batch. View attachment 31940
Very nice! Did you come out on top? I haven't actually tried a kit yet but just brewed my first 5 gal wine from wild fruit.
Just out of curiosity, what species are you using? I've been thinking about using wild stuff. I assume you are using grapes.
Grapes do not grow wild here, using persimmon here in East Texas.
Muscadine grow wild but i can't find any.
Do you know which varietal(s) of muscat you got?I just finished my first wine, Moscato. It was a kit and didn't taste bad at all. So I've order a Cabernet Sauvignon to complete my second wine. I can wait to start working on the next batch.