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Corn field, welcome to you! I just drove back from WineStock and saw plenty of the corn on the way. It's at that beautiful atumn stage now, and the combines are starting to go after it.
Corn Field, welcome from South East Louisiana, but I am from your neck of the woods of Central Illinois and Corn Country.
Hi there Cornfield,
I'm late getting in on the comments about your wine selection but very interesting in deed. Especially the Chocolate Strawberry and Chocolate manderin. Was the chocaolate added in the beginning process or the end?
I have some gooseberrys to make a small batch myself but have not started it. How does that taste? Have you made it before. The gooseberry's I've had were a little bitter is that normal. I thought of making it a dry or semi-dry wine.
sorry about the late responce. Stomach virus running rampent in our house.
you add the chocolate in the verry begining. take one cup must put in blender at slow speed and then add 6oz hershies cocoa slowly blend for about 1 or 2 minutes then add to primary.
the gooseberry was a first for me. it turned out well. There is no bitter cary over from the berries. I fermited it dry . left some dry and back
sweetones some to semisweet. I actualy like the dry best but dry is my
favorite. Wife likes semi-sweet.
the chocolate amount is for a 1 gallon batch

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