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corn field

Senior Member
Sep 27, 2007
Reaction score
I am new to this forum. I live in south central Iowa. I have been making wine for 2 years now. I mostely make country wines. At the present time i have 10 different wines going and in various stages of processing.
Welcome to the forum cornfield. What are the 10 you currently have going?
Welcome corn field. Glad to have you on board. Sounds like you have plenty to share with others. And as Waldo always say, "We like pictures here!"
Welcome cornfield, glad to have you on board and ditto on what Waldo asked.
These are the wines ongoing
chocolate strawberry

chocolate manderin
jalapino (hot)

jalapino (mild)
concord medium body
concord heavy body

iowa sweetcorn
Tell me about the sweet corn wine. I've often thought of trying one. I can get tons of sweetcorn free. Should it be picked young when higher in sugar or is it OK fairly mature when there are more starches. How hard is it to clear?
it needs to the ripenes you would use for takle fair. I cut it from the cob then cut the cobs into 3 pieces boiled all of this for 15 to 20 minutes then strained liquid through strainer bag and placed this in prymary.
it cleared rather quickly because of the pectick enzyme.
the tast; even though still young, has a suttle corn taste with al hint of fruit and yet some what of a herb essence. realy hard to explain. Iam sure it will get better with age.
Welcome, corn field.

Two must have some interesting experience to share with us....Tell us about the Chocolate....

What about your woodburning? Pictures.....and details....Ramona
My first wine was a dandoline wine and it was a total disaster. I did all of the wrong things and ended up dumping it. I then got books and serched the internet. Jack Kellers sight was a great help. the next wine was tomato because of the over abundance in my garden. It had a few minor problems but ended up as the hit of the heratege and wine fest in Centervill Iowa.
this gave me the confinance that I needed and away I went with the experimenting.
The chocolate strawberry is a very good one and is still young. Has a wonderful chocolate and strawberry flavor that lingers long aftrer it passes the tongue.
I woodburn signs and wild birds, most of them sell rapidly at craft shows.
I recently moved and still looking in boxes for the few that are left.
if I could figure out how to post pictures i would be glad to do it
To post a picture you have to use the reply button in the post . You can not use the quick reply at the bottom of the page. When you click on the reply button you will get another posting area with a much more options. At the top above that posting area you will see a box with a tree in it 8 boxes from the left. Click on that and then click on browse at bottom left to find where your pics are in your computer. Click on the file that you want and then click on upload which is uner the browse button. Your pictures size must be no larger than 150 kpg to work though. If you need a resizing tool let us know as theres a free 1 that works great for this site and emailing.
Hey corn field are we in the same patch. I think I'm a couple of fields north of you. You could try to download photobucket if you have trouble re-sizing your picture. You will have to upload your picture to photobucket and it will do the re-sizing. Then you can copy and paste your picture on here.
I am in Allerton Iowa that is south central just 12 miles from Mo. Where are you located swillologist? Maby we could get together some time and swap stories.
Yep maybe 3 cornfields north of you.
I know where that is. SEW played ACL when I was a kid. I'm up just outside of Newton. Home is Lacona. Have you ever heard of that. hehehe. We are going to be there this weekend making molasses. Sorghum for you southern boys and girls. Edited by: swillologist

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