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Jul 22, 2006
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Hi all. Newbie from south Tennessee.

Love this website. I got into brewing 4-5 years ago and brewed a few batches of both wine and beer, butmoved, and haven't brewed anything in a couple of years. Just now getting the "itch" once again.

Don't have a great place in my new house to brew - looks like it'll be in our walk-in-closet. Every other room has windows, making temp. control difficult. Wish this house had a basement, but not much can do about that.

Have planted 3 grapevines and some blackberry bushes at our new house - so have something to look forward to in a few years. We have a couple of acres, so may expand the "vinyard".

Anyway - look forward to getting to know everyone better.
You get to making wine again Danny and you willfind spots in the house to ferment and bulk age that you did not realize were there
Welcome Danny,
Where there is a will there is a place. Get something a brewin'. What will it be?

What types of beer and wine did you brew before and what do you want to brew now? If you need help, this is the place to be. Need supplies? George is the man to buy from. He'll steer you right and price it right.
Good luck.
Welcome Danny,

Wine has a way of getting into your blood (in more ways than one
Thanks for the welcome. In the past I've made one gallon batches of blackberry and from Welch's Grape Juice that turned out really good after a year of aging. Have made 6 gal. kits of Pinot Grigio (which we didn't really like) and Australian Shiraz (pretty good). Wife likes a sweeter wine, so going to make her a white zinfandel. Think I'll make another gallon of blackberry (different recipe) and banana.

Got to stock back up on supplies first, though...............
Dont be afraid to sweeten up a batch at the end if its to dry for your
wifes preference. I made a 6 gallon batch of black currant for my wife
and it came out a little dry even though I used the red star Cotes Des
blanc which is supposed to be for sweeter wines as the Vintners Harvest
instructions say. So I bought a gallon of all natural black currant
juice from a health store and reduced it down on the stove to 1/4
gallon and added it to the clarified wine, stablized it ,and bottled
it. My wife now loves it. Glad to see that you came back to the dark
side. This is an excellent place with good people and endless supply of
knowledge and freindship. Wade