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Hello everyone,
I Just joined the forums and recently started winemaking

So far Ive been reading the threads and everyone here seems really friendly and nice, and I have gained alot of information. So I hope I can also be helpful and meet new people.

Cheers, Jeff L.
Welcome Jeff, hope you stay awhile and share your experienves wether old or new. Do you have anything fermenting now and have you made wine in the past. Would like to have a little background so that we know if you could help others or if we could help you or both.
Welcome Jeff, hope you stay awhile and share your experienves wether
old or new. Do you have anything fermenting now and have you made wine
in the past. Would like to have a little background so that we know if
you could help others or if we could help you or both.

Thanks Wade. Right now I have some French Cabernet Sauvignon (kit) in primary fermentation. I also have Concorde wine (fruit) aging and Rose wine (fruit) which I already finished
. Im pretty new to wine making, started recently. I enjoy drinking wine, especially the deep reds, and that is why I started wine making. So far it has been fun, especially making the labels, and I love the feeling of pride when you get to taste your finished product. But as of right now I am having a bit of trouble with the sauvignon which I posted here:
Jeff, I know that finances are a big issue now a days as I experience them too and thats why I make my own although with what I have going it would be way more than I would spend commercially as it is very addictive but Im also to the point where I dont have to buy any as I have a really good inventory now. What I want to say is that with red wines you may want to buy the higher end kits. They take a little longer to age but are a much better end result. I hear it everyday that these kits are early drinkers but are also thin. This is a great place to start and get this under your belt then go for a 15 liter kit or better for the reds. the whites get better also with the higher end kits but not nearly as noticeable.
Actually this Cab. Sauvignon was a 15 Liter kit.
It was a bit expensive but I am sure it will all pay off when It is ready to drink. I also find making wine a fun hobby since I can watch my progress. Im thinking about starting some Whites, and perhaps make it into sparkling wine in time for New years
. I will take your advice and my next red will possibly be the "all juice kit". <a name="ingred-kits"></a><a name="ingred-kits"></a></font>
Welcome to the forum J.Liron. Glad to have you onboard. Edited by: Waldo
Welcome J.Liron, I think you will like this place. Keeps you coming back for more.
Welcome J. Liron, this is a good place to come and learn and share with all of who enjoy wine making....Enjoy