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8GB of Ram!
You are a MADMAN Dean!
Edited by: wade
Geeze Wade, I have been running 64-Bit Windows Server with 16 GB of memory for over a year now on my main app server. I hardly ever touch it, but did need to restart it a month or so ago when the power died for almost a day after a thundrstorm and it shut down while on the power backup. I did try 64 bit Windows XP on a computer with8 GB in it, but I didn't care for it so I made it a backup server instead. The computer didn't have a fast enough video card for my CAD work and couldn't be upgraded.
Im running 504 MB of RAM on 1.86 GHz so those #'s are amazing to me but Im happy as long as it runs decent. Maybe someday Ill double the RAM! I have no idea how to even know what bit this thing is either. All I know is that I can sit in the living room and do whatever I want on this thing with no wires and that rocks.

Edited by: wade
All right, I will show my age. The first computer I purchased had 256K (that's kilobytes) of RAM and a 27MB(that's megabytes) all incased in a desk for the mere price of $35,000! It ran like a top.

Now a days, we have gigabytes and terabytes and bloated code that doesn't seem to run any faster. I just bought a new computer for the store. 2 gigs of RAM and 80 gigs of hard drive space. It is a very functional unit, which is all I ask in a computer. I used to be into the biggest, fastest I could find, but since I don't do graphics and the database is in Arizona, I can't really justify the price.

I used to manage 7 servers, but that was in a past life and if I had to do it again, it would crash as I have forgotten it all. Too much wine on the brain and in the belly!
Peter, that was funny but true!
For anyone who posts pics on this site then downloading and using Chrome is a really nice thing to have as it really uploads pics very fast but acts different as instead of seeing a picture before you post all you see is type which kind of confused me but it inserted the picture VERY FAST once I hit Post. I will keep it around just for this function as I hate waiting and waiting for the pic to be posted.
George, did you really pay $35,000 for that thing, please tell me that is a Type-O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by: wade
I almost started making a product I called "The Execudesk" back in 1975. I started with a high end desk for executive offices and added basically a whole office solution. The monitor was recessed into the desktop, but could tip up for easier viewing. The keyboard came out like they do nowdays from under the desktop on slides. The CPU was located on the right hand side and was accesible by opening a side panel of the desk for repairs. There was a laser printer that was in the left side of the desk and the pages piled up on the top edge of the desk. The laser printer also doubled as a fax machine and copier. Now days we take these things for granted, but back then, they were real cutting edge products.
Hi Masta. I'm just skimming thru this thread and saw your name in this post. Don't get me in on the computer conversations......I'll figure it out eventually. I get lost in the discussions......Hope you are and your family are doing well!!!


The first computer I ever worked on was an HP PDP 8e. 4K of ram (and in those days a byte was 8 bits, not 16 like today), a 4" spool of 1" wide magnetic tape that could hold maybe 50KB of data (it cost $7 unformatted or $14 formatted). It was 6' tall and about 15' wide, required 220v power, and cost about half a million bucks.

The world of computers in 1969. How far we've come.
Hi Ramona and everyone....please keep an eye out for Ike since it looks like the next stop is Texas!

The destruction in the islands is just awful so lets pray for all those people who never had much to begin with nor will get any help from the outside.
I tried the browser and it looks quick on my machine but in reality it is an illusion. I benchmarked it against IE 7 and Firefox 3 and while it was quicker than IE7, it was slower than Firefox. It is in its infancy though and if they keep working on it and add the features such as those Firefox has, they will have a run for their "money."

I see some are running IE 8 beta now. I have been unable to download it and install it on any of my machines. I download it and it will not unzip to install. Too weird. I have been using Firefox though as my main browser for quite a while.

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