WineXpert New Batch--but I REALLY bumped the Primary!

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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2006
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Learn from your mistakes, right? Well, I started a batch tonite and moved the Primary after I pitched the yeast (from now on I will do in on the table!) and it sloshed around pretty good. I looked in and barely could see the yeast anymore. Am I screwed? I guess time will tell!!

Dont worry yet. Wait till Thursday morning, if nothing happens by then
, you might want to pitch another yeast but I bet everything will be
Francie I would give it a good gentle stirring if it does not appear to be fermenting before I pitched another yeast and see if that will kick er up and ger er going. It has woeked for me in the past.
I don't think you have anything to worry about. I always start mine in the kitchen go through the house to the stairs and down into the basement. It get's sloshed around pretty well every batch. I do put it in the furnace room this time of year where it gets 75. I leave it there 2 days until a good ferment begins and then move to the cooler area for further fermenting until it's ready for the secondary. If you made a starter, would there be any yeast on the surface? I don't think it makes a whole lot of difference to the little things in there as lon as it's fairly warm to get the buds a going.
I Move mine from one room to another in the primary and have not had a problem yet.....and I always stress yet!
Okay, Okay, I guess I do get a little stressed. So far this morning, nothing happening, but I will not panic until tomorrow. Maybe I should run to the store and get another packet of yeast, since this is a kit. (Just in case I ruined the yeast)--to be on the safe side? Funny.......we treat our batches of wine like little children, don't we?? (coming from a mother of three -ages 9,6, and 2!--no wonder I need to make wine, LOL!!)

I always make sure I have the primary where I want it before I add the yeast. I have had to move them though right after yeast is added and never had a problem yet. You should be fine. As Masta says, they yeast know what they are doing and even if a few of them stick tot he side of the bucket, the rest will do their job just fine.

I'm with Smurf. I have to move my primary from the kitchen to the wine cellar (laundry room). That's clear across the house, up the stairs, and on the top shelf. It does get sloshed! I will add the yeast once I get it in place.
Don't worry...
Francie said:
Okay, Okay, I guess I do get a little stressed. So far this morning, nothing happening, but I will not panic until tomorrow. Maybe I should run to the store and get another packet of yeast, since this is a kit. (Just in case I ruined the yeast)--to be on the safe side? Funny.......we treat our batches of wine like little children, don't we?? (coming from a mother of three -ages 9,6, and 2!--no wonder I need to make wine, LOL!!)


In that case we are goin to call wine welfare and report this abuse!!!!
Every time I get to worrying about the specific instructions in making wines, I think about it's history, and how wine was made several thousand years ago.I'm sure plenty of fermenting wine has beensloshed around on donkey caravans, and roman galleys without much effect. In this hobby, the one area it pays to be extra vigilant in is cleanliness.

What are you making anyhow?

If you are still concerned you can bring it by, I'll give it some TLC and let you know if it was good or ruined.
A "Thank you" to all, and to help me not panic so much! My "in town" shop had a RJ Spagnols Limited Edition left over from last year that did not sell, so I bought it. It is a Chenin Blanc. I think I remember reading that George stopped carrying RJ Spagnols, but since I am so new to all of this, I was interested in why (I purchased this kit prior to finding this site!) he stopped carrying that brand (if anyone knows who may be reading this, just curious).

Happy Thanksgiving!! I am thankful for this website!!!

Has your yeast got started??? As far as useing an out of date kit, I have been told to use a fresh pack of yeast and a new clearing agent as they usually go bad first. I bought two out of date kits [unknowing] and changed the yeast and clearing agents and they turned out fine for me.
Well, I think everything is going to be ok. Last night there was a nasty looking "foam" on top of the mix, and this morning the foam is gone, but I see it bubbling on the sides. Hopefully, even though the kit is old, I am hoping it continues to work. I plan on drinking most of the wine this summer since it is a Chenin Blanc.

Wade, I don't think Bob was talking about wine making??? lol......
How can you tell how old the kit is? At my local store, they said they go through their stock "pretty quick" but didn't say how long that was. They sell beer and wine ingredients, but their main focus is cake and candy making supplies. I've only been in the store a few times and it looks like there is a change in the stock, but I can't really tell. So, I'm curious to know if there is some way to figure out the age of the kit before buying.

Mike said:
How can you tell how old the kit is? At my local store, they said they go through their stock "pretty quick" but didn't say how long that was. They sell beer and wine ingredients, but their main focus is cake and candy making supplies. I've only been in the store a few times and it looks like there is a change in the stock, but I can't really tell. So, I'm curious to know if there is some way to figure out the age of the kit before buying.


For a Wine Expert kit you decipher the peel off label on the top of the box. This thread will explain it. If you use other brand kits, email their customer service department for an explanation on how they date code their kits. Someone might chime in here on other brands but most here make WE kits.
