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Feb 5, 2007
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I'm on my 5th kit and would like to try growing a vine. My yard is small and has very little room. I'dlike to make wine if it produces enough, otherwise I'd be happy with the experience of just growing and eating them. So here's the question: my grandparents owned and operated a small winery when I was a kid (yes, it's in my blood!), and grew his vines into a bush-like plant maybe 4 feet high and 3 feet wide instead of the "T" configuration you see today. Since I don't have much room, would I yield more grapes from one plant trained like a "T" ortwo plants pruned in the bush-like configuration? Also, would they grow well enough in indirect sunshine most of the day or do they really need the direct sunshine?I have room for maybe 2 plants in the sun but 4 or 5 against the garage facing north where it's not actually shaded but doesn't much direct sun either.(I'm in Southern California, and would plant a red variety). Thanks!
Hey Mark:

I'm no expert but i know the grapes need direct sunlight and you would be better off with a bushier vine then T style, i could be wrong, but i have been growing grapes for 3 years now as its bushy/t style u can see my pics below this thread, I hear you need 90 pounds of grapes to produce 5/6 gallons of wine juice. This will be my 1st time making wine from my home grown grapes so,, I don't know if i will have at harvest 90 pounds of grapes, but i got a sh*t load growing in the small area that i do have. So we will see. I would say try 2 or 3 vines. I dont think 1 vine will be suffice. (i have 3 vines 2 red 1 white) - hope this helps and good luck!
Remember great soil mixed in with some rocks is nice, need good drainage, and pick a airy spot with the most direct sunlight. Never water plants at night, always water in am, and soak roots only not leaves.

Edited by: Dominick
Good luck Mark with growing some grapes. It can be fun and is as addicting as making the wine itself. DO NOT PLANT IN THE SHADE. Grapes really need sunshine most of the day. There really is no best way to grow a grape, unless it's anyway you can. That being said, you want to grow it any way that leaves the vine as open to the air as possible. That is the main reason that they are grown on a mid or high wire in a T-shape. It opens the foliage up more than a bushy vine. They can be grown either way, but you generally get a higher quality grape when they are grown more open. That exposes more leaves to sunshine and that translates to higher sugar and less acid. You shouldn't count on more than about a gallon of juice per vine. You can get more than that, but it is of lesser quality.

What variety are you considering planting?

Good luck and have fun!
Thanks to both of you!So yes, I'll use the spot that gets lots of sun. As far as the variety, now that I know I might get 1 gallon of good juice from 2 vines, I'll ask my local nursery for a red wine grape that grows well in SoCal. (Besides, 1 gallon batches are probably just right until I get the hang of it. Until then, I'll stick with the kits.)

(Appleman, I've been following your thread. Your vineyard is awesome!)