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Senior Member
Oct 20, 2006
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Hi Everyone,

I am completely obsessed with this new hobby!!! I went out today and purchased new carboy, fermentation bucket thingy and the tops (cannot remember the name). I also purchased the French Chardonnay and hope to start that tomarrow. After cruising this site (forgive me for not knowing this) I realize that "The winemaker's Toy Store" is an actual store in Texas!! Sorry I did not know that earlier, otherwise I would have purchased through the store, but now I know for the next time). I have about four other kits I want to purchase!!! My husband is going to have a fit! (Christmas is coming up, right?)

Any suggestions on other kits to try would be helpful. I only have the Barbaresco, Super Tuscan, and now the Chardonnay. I am not into sweet wines at all, the drier the better!


Welcome! I too am obsessed with this new hobbie
My husbandalso hashad afit, especially since he doesn't drink wine. I have accumulated several carboy's (2-6 gallons; 2-5 gallons; 4-1 gallons) and have passed it back and forth in my mind to get the 3 gallon carboys. I have sent my friends and family the web site and told them how to reach the "Gift Certificate" page. Stuff my stocking with "Gift Certificates" from The Winemakers Toy Store!!
I have taken my computer room and have a design for it to become my wine room. The built in closet will become the new wine storage area. Instead of shopping for groceries, I shop for wine accessories. I hope there is a AAA for wine obsession! I may need it!

AAAcould be forjump starting those occassionalstuck fermentations.

I'm up to12 carboys plus a half dozen gallon jugs.
But, I can quit anytime I want!
Really!Edited by: DaveB50
Welcome Francie,

Seems wine gets in the blood in more ways than one! I love dusty dry wines both red and white the best. But I have made more country wines fromscratchthat are sweet than dry. Seems I favor fruit wine sweet rather than dry. I have a few semi-sweet that I enjoy, but haven't found one yet that I like dry. It is a great hobby and I've enjoyed it for about two years now. My problem now is drinking too much of the stuff and too often
(can that be a problem?).

Welcome to the forum. You will find some very warm and knowledgeable folk around here.

No need to apologize as I set the forum up in a manner that would make it available for everyone. As I hope you find out soon, we are big into customer service and the forum is just another way for wine makers to learn about the hobby and make the best possible wines.
If you are here in Texas, please stop in and say "Hi!". I always have time to talk wine and wine making. Who knows, I may even have a bottle in the store for sampling!
Francie: Welcome to the forum. I have to agree, this hobby is very addictive. I look at my batches brewing and think, I could fit one more carboy on the shelf.....
Welcome. I jumped in big time when I went too.Four 6gal carboys andtwo 3 gal carboys,two fermentors, and a lot of toys. I try to "only" have 4 batches going at a time (three 6's andone 3gal) soI can always have an open carboy for racking. I've bottled my first kit and will bottle my next one this weekend. I've spaced them out so every month I have another kit going into bottles (I use the 5-15-20-50 timing schedule). We (she, hehe) prefers sweet white so we have Green Apple Riesling, Johannisburg Riesling, White Ice Wine, Mango Citrus Symphony, and a Piesporter.Edited by: Coaster
Only 4 at a time, gee, for a newbie that sure is alot. Good for you.
Like you, my wife and I also prefer sweet wines, but I prefer to make
the country wines but had started with the Island Mists and will soon
try the Ice Wine.

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