My newest batch...

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Sep 13, 2011
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6 gallons of water
5 cans Welch's white/peach frozen concentrate
2 Cans generic grape concentrate
12 lbs sugar
1 can of peachs in syrup
1/2 lb. Generic powder grape Drink mix
1 and 1/4 Packet of Lavlin k1-V1116 yeast

I am guesstimating the sugar content to be 2.5-2.6 lbs per gallon. Total cost $23. Guessing the alcohol content to be around 13.5%

day 3 and fuzzeling away as Stan laurel would say. No chemicals other than what was in the grape mix.

Any comments?
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Dont expect much. Not enough concentrate. You cant make wine without a hydrometer. Get one. Use it. I'm guessing the alcohol will mask any flavor you are trying to get.
Winemaking is not guessing.
probably bad is it to add more concentrate, peaches or powder mix on day 4? This is my seond batch ever so i am a newbie.
3-4 cans of concentrate PER GALLON is suggested.
Get a hydrometer.
Do you want flavor?
Then you need that much
I'm guessing you dont have a hydrometer. Get one. You cant add sugar blindly. You say you may have 13%? Thats way to high for fruit wines. You need a starting gravity of no higher than 1.085
Do you have meta and sorbate?
No hydrometer but Lavlin k1-V1116 yeast has a high alcohol tolerance. I added no chemicals. Potassium Metasulphite in the Welch's and Tricalcium Phosphate in the powder mix.
So, you are making wine for the alcohol then..
You are sounding like someone who is under 21.
So, you are using that yeast because it has a high alcohol tollerence...
44 years old here, I choose that yeast for the alcohol tolerance, works well with concentrates and difficult environment. I added the dark grape concentrates and grape powder mix for lesser cost and availability. Higher alcohol content is also a target. 18% according to lavlin chart.