My new self made Wine rack

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Jul 29, 2019
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. Hi,

This is my first year in winemaking and after I bottled all my wine I was left with 64 bottles, then I decided to purchase a wine rack, unfortunately the prices were way too high than I decided to make it myself after surfing the web to check some designs I calculated the space where I will place the wine rack, and made a 2D design, it will be a wine rack 8 by 17 which can hold 136 bottles. When I made the design I find out at what length and size of wood that I need, I went and purchased it. First I made the outer box then I marked the inner sections then I made a jig to make the inner sections, which really speed up the process, after finishing all tbe inner sections all of them slide in and fixed with a nail from top and bottom sides when it completed I finished tbe wine rack by covering the back side with an OSB board.I really like the final outcome


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. Hi,

This is my first year in winemaking and after I bottled all my wine I was left with 64 bottles, then I decided to purchase a wine rack, unfortunately the prices were way too high than I decided to make it myself after surfing the web to check some designs I calculated the space where I will place the wine rack, and made a 2D design, it will be a wine rack 8 by 17 which can hold 136 bottles. When I made the design I find out at what length and size of wood that I need, I went and purchased it. First I made the outer box then I marked the inner sections then I made a jig to make the inner sections, which really speed up the process, after finishing all tbe inner sections all of them slide in and fixed with a nail from top and bottom sides when it completed I finished tbe wine rack by covering the back side with an OSB board.I really like the final outcome
Very nice work! How much do you have in it in wood? I like the design, especially the way the racks are set back in the frame and do not come out to the end. You saved a lot of wood that would have contributed nothing to the rack by not bringing the portion that holds the bottles out to the end of the framework.

Good job!

Well I live in Turkey and wood prices here are not that expensive I know that in US pine wood is expensive I will gice the dimensions in metric so I used 340 1.7cm by 1.7 cm and 24 cm long wooden slats as horozontal bars and 1cm by 4 cm and 71 cm long 40 vertical woodan bars and for the dimensions of the box is 155 cm x 75 cm outer dimensions all these are pine wood only the backing is OSB board in total I spent 80 $
. Hi,

This is my first year in winemaking and after I bottled all my wine I was left with 64 bottles, then I decided to purchase a wine rack, unfortunately the prices were way too high than I decided to make it myself after surfing the web to check some designs I calculated the space where I will place the wine rack, and made a 2D design, it will be a wine rack 8 by 17 which can hold 136 bottles. When I made the design I find out at what length and size of wood that I need, I went and purchased it. First I made the outer box then I marked the inner sections then I made a jig to make the inner sections, which really speed up the process, after finishing all tbe inner sections all of them slide in and fixed with a nail from top and bottom sides when it completed I finished tbe wine rack by covering the back side with an OSB board.I really like the final outcome
Impressive DIY project! 🍷 It's inspiring to see someone take initiative like that. Cheers to many more wine-filled years ahead! - Ahmad
Does anyone have plans they would be willing to post? I think this is my next project!
@sour_grapes posted this a while back so I'm not taking credit for it. Might not be the look you are going after but it is the most efficient.


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@sour_grapes posted this a while back so I'm not taking credit for it. Might not be the look you are going after but it is the most efficient.

Thanks Very Much! Off to the lumber store.

I am glad Fred posted those drawings. Here is a post where I give some more detail about the construction:

And here is a post with some assembly photos:


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