My first batch

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Nov 20, 2011
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Hi everyone,

A distressed newbie here. I started my batch 11mos. ago from a recipe a friend had. I used homegrown grapes, stirred the must diligently twice a day for a week then added sulphite and started fermentation in a bucket with air lock in place, over the next two mos. I racked twice then stored the wine in a half full carboy with airlock in place. (I now know I should have either topped the carboy up or racked down to a smaller vessel) I kept the wine in my garage which has no climate control. Winter low temps are near 35 Deg F and summer Highs near 70. ( I now know these temp swings are not good for wine storage)
I did keep the wine protected from light.
I went out to bottle the wine the other day and realized it was no longer as clear as earlier on and smelled and tasted a little stronger. the flavor reminded me of sherry. My question is whether or not the wine is safe to drink or have I ruined it?
Any input greatly appreciated.
A sherry taste suggests to me that the wine has oxidized. Does it ave a brownish tinge to it? For long term storage like that you would have needed to fill the carboy up to the neck after secondary ferment. Did you put in more sulfite for the long term? That helps protect against oxidizing once the co2 has dissipated. As far as being safe to drink I don't think you're in danger if you like the taste
Did you add yeast or do wild ferment? You added some sulfite right away or waited until 2 weeks?

Give us your recipe and notes and someone will help you figure out how to improve the process.

Chemically, there are relatively few bacteria that can survive in wine that can cause you harm.

My advise is this: if the wine is obviously contaninated (floating mold, etc) then it is inadvisable to drink it. Otherwise, take a taste. If it tastes good to you, then you can be fairly certian that it is safe to drink.


Temperature flux + a lot of airspace = oxydation.

Did you add yeast or do wild ferment? You added some sulfite right away or waited until 2 weeks?

Give us your recipe and notes and someone will help you figure out how to improve the process.


Thanks for the input Debbie, after searching for my recipe and notes I realize that my record keeping needs to be improved on (a recent kitchen remodel has alot of things MIA)
As far as I remember the sulphite went in after de-gas and before the initial fermentation.I did use yeast.
I have seen mention of back sweetening of wine, is that a possibility for this batch?
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I have seen mention of back sweetening of wine, is that a possibility for this batch?

Sure you could backsweeten... did you ever add sorbate before? If not, you will want to add some before sweetening just to be sure you don't restart fermentation... if that is possible after this long, I'm not sure.

You could also consider filtering it, if you have the equipment to do so.
Hi Jer,

Take a hydrometer reading first to make sure it is done fermenting, I know it should be since so much time as lapsed but I prefer to go by my readings instead of time, readings are more accurate. And like mentioned before add sulphite and sorbate before backsweetening.
keep reading in this forum and try starting anew batch. Sounds as though this batch may be gone.

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