My Blackberry Blues

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Apr 27, 2012
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I have a local "Secret Spot" for collecting blackberries. Probably not so secret, since it's in a mostly undeveloped office complex, but there are lots of bushes right along the road.

Anyway, I've had my eye on them since last year, when I went by about a week too late. I've been waiting patiently all year for this year's crop. I've been checking on them for a few weeks, and as recently as two days ago, and I think this is going to be the weekend they reach their potential. And there is a good crop too.

My son is getting married this weekend and with all the activity and family, there is no way I'll be able to go picking. So I decided I'd try to get an early start and go today and pick whatever first fruits might be available. When I drove up the road I was horrified to see that someone has bush hogged over half of the stretch of roadside, completely obliterating the bushes. I have a bad feeling that the other half will be done this week too.

Not happy!
too bad, Was it a state mowing crew you think?
My wife and I went picking black raspberries today on state property. We didn't do too bad for wild berries, 2 qt bags full in about 2 hours. We left a lot of them that weren't ready yet so I think we'll head back out sunday as long as we can beat the birds to them.
Sorry for your luck you would have thought they could have waited until after you picked the berries. I know how you feel, power company came in a few years back where our camp s at and brushed hogged down all the elderberry bushes. So ticked off!
I feel sorry for you..If you were here, I would make up for your loss...
I was fortunate to have a bumper crop this year. Its my own property so it cant be mowed down..
If you make ever make it south Texas, bring an xtra igloo...
Funny you say that, JohnT. I went by yesterday afternoon to see what was left. They had not yet mowed down any more bushes, but the berries that had ripened were awful. Very bitter, no sweetness at all, and not very juicy. Oh, well.
Thanks, dralarms, I think I might give that a try. For $35 that sure sounds better than bushwacking through snake-infested fields, getting scratched by blackberry bushes for the three or four hours it would take to get enough berries to make 5 gallons.

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