muscadine color

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Senior Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Ok I had awonderful color in my juice until I added k meta. Now it ts a murky brown what gives? Or is this just normal? Will I get my color back?
How big a batch is this, how much k-meta did you add and how old is the k-meta?
And how much k-meta did you add? My guess is that there might have been a very fine layer of sediment on the bottom that was barely visible but was stirred back into suspension.
Added 6 campden. I just started the juice. Havent dropped the yeast yet
Ah, campden tablets! Those tablets contain fillers to hold them together which will sometimes do that depending on the original color to begin with. It will slowly fade back but you should save those tablets for small batches like 1 gallon and get yourself some k-meta which is also cheaper!
darn it. I have trying to use them up. I have kmeta in the drawer. I will remember thatnext time. Thanks wade. Hopefully the color will come back.
It will but most likely not until fermentation is done as thats gonna make it all ugly looking for awhile but the end result is why we all do this!
Did you add tannin too???? That can change the color....

Many times the wines do change colors as they ferment and clear.

Keep us Posted.
Muscadine is horrendous about oxidizing too which gives it a brown color
dcrnbrd said:
I racked to carboy today and all of the color is back.

What variety of muscadine did you use?
Can you post a picture of the color?

I have two batches of Carlos variety and I am curious to see what the final color will be. I plan to blend the two batches as the first one was a little high octane and I made the second batch with the intention to blend at bottling time. Even if you didn't use carlos, I would be very interested in what your pictures look like. I am getting some vines in the near future and plan to plant a 4 vine vineyard in the back yard.