Mead Line-up

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Senior Member
Jun 25, 2009
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I just wanted to post an update on my mead experiments. I started a few meads earlier this year and haven't posted some of my latest experiments. Here is a pic of the meads I have aging right now...


(Note: this pic is a few weeks old at this point) From right to left...

1. Sweet Berry Melomel. I posted this one earlier.

2. Blended honey mead with Buckwheat and Orange Blossom Honey. Currently being oaked. Currently, the orange blossom honey is lost on this one.

3. Anise and Cinnamon Metheglyn. This one I haven't posted yet. Its 100% buckwheat honey being infused with star anise and cinnamon. this one tastes pretty good already, I think it needs more time with the spices.

4. A Cyser. this one is the youngest, but really tastes tart/sour at this point.
Looks good.
The buckwheat will be the stronger profile, but you'll be happy you put the OBH in there so soften the buckwheat. Be patient with using apple juice/cider, I have found (and its just my experience) that it will come around but can be rough for a while. I have given up tasting apple wines and meads until bottling day and then hide them for a year or 2.
Here is an update...


From right to left...

1. The Berry Melomel, I think its ready for bottles.
It is really sweet and probably doesn't need much aging.

2. Orange Blossum and Buckwheat honey with a medium oak. Still a tad cloudy. going to wait in this one.

3. Anise and Cinnamon Metheglyn. This one is crystal clear. I think I'll sit on this one for now. Maybe bottle it in the spring /summer.

4. and 5. Both cysers have cleared up quite a bit. There still seems to be bubbles coming off of these
Not sure if that is a bad sign. Its been a few months.

That's my update. The only downside to these forums is that we don't get to try all of the stuff people are making.
hartm said:
Here is an update...

That's my update. The only downside to these forums is that we don't get to try all of the stuff people are making.

That is the truth! The bubbles are most likely CO2. The meads look very nice.
Wel, I decided to bottle the Melomol. I was about to add a clarifier, but as I started to siphon it off, it was crystal clear. So I went ahead to put it in the bottle. Since this was a 4 L batch (1 gal) I only got 9.5 bottles. At least I can enjoy the half bottle now. Here is what it looks like...


It's defnitely a dessert wine. It is really sweet. It tastes really good now. Now if I can just manage to keep it in the cellar for a for years.

(You get an added bonus in the pic, my daughters artwork)
Looks good!!!

The drawings were the first thing I saw. Then the mead, Then all the snow!!! What state are you in?
I think you should use her artwork on the label! Wine looks great, snow looks cold.
I just finished bottling the Anise/Cinnamon Metheglin and the blended honey mead. Will post pics soon.

The Metheglin has an interesting flavor. I sweetened it to semi-dry a few months ago.

The blended honey mead tastes really good. The oak and buckwheat flavors blend well. There is a distinct citrus flavor on the finish, too.

Can't wait to taste these in a few years...
I tasted the cyser, too. It's already starting to come around. I started oaking one of the bottles...