Looking for a lilac wine recipe?

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Junior Member
Jun 15, 2014
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Does anyone have a lilac wine recipe that they've made and turned out well?

My lilacs are just starting to bloom and I'd love to try capturing that delicious aroma into a wine.

Too early for me to offer any suggestions because I just started a batch myself using about a gallon of flowers to make a gallon. I believe that you want to remove all the stamens so you are left with only the petals. I added enough sugar to create a must of about 1.090. Added nutrient and energizer and if memory serves I used D47 yeast.
I found this one in the WMT recipe section. There is a thread about it over there.

5 GALLON BATCH - Lilac Wine

15 quarts lilac petals, no stems or greens
12 lbs. sugar
5 tbs. acid blend
2 tsp. tannin
5 gallons water, boiling
4 tsp. yeast nutrient

Lalvin 72B-something yeast

1. Place flowers, sugar in primary and pour boiling water over them. Stir the dickens out of it so the sugar dissolves well.
2. Stir well and place lid on and let cool for 24 hours.
3. Add remaining ingredients, Sprinkle yeast on top. After 12 hours, stir the yeast in the rest of the must.
4. On day 7 or thereabouts (SG 1.020 or so), take out the flowers and rack to secondary. Put bung in place with airlock.
5. Rack when noteable sediment is seen.