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Ernest T Bass

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
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I have a Sister that lives in Ok. and I live in Tn. Can I ship her 3 or 4 bottles and if so, how should I pack it. Any and all info will help.


Semper Fi
I surround each on in bubble wrap. I the get a box, aly down a layer of peanuts (styrofoam), lay each bottle in (about 2 inches apart), then cover with peanuts. Tape box shut. So far, never had a broken bottle.
Please note it is illegal to mail alcohol thru the US Postal System. FedEx or UPS. Some list contents as marinades or juice.
Please note it is illegal to mail alcohol thru the US Postal System. FedEx or UPS. Some list contents as marinades or juice.

Is it only illegal for home winemakers? Because i have ordered bottles of wine online before and it was shipped.

I am assuming you need some sort of alc license.
Yes you are correct. I wanted to make folks aware so the folks with special badges don't show up at their door. If you know a winery and are friends maybe they could 3rd party mail for you.
One of the biggest mistakes most people do is list what is in the box. If you ship UPS or FEDEX you are not required to list what the contents are unless you are shipping something out of the United States.

Wrap the bottles securely so they do not bang and break, also make sure they do not move around inside the box, pad them well and make sure they are not moving. Then shipped any way you want as long as it is not thru the US Postal service. And don't say what is in the box, don't say anything than how much to ship this?
I ship UPS thru Staples. When asked whats inside I say "juice" or "samples". Never had a problem. Just dont ship thru USPS.
Whenever shipping any liquid you should always consider the outside temperature. Even though the start and end point of the package might be in a warm location, the package may be directed to a central distribution hub that might be cold enough to freeze your package.
I could be wrong but I believe that fed ex USA. sends all of its packages to Chicago for processing.
I doubt Wine will freeze w/ 12+% alcohol. Least not enough to break the bottle.
Wow, so you guys say that you are asked what is inside the package? I have never been asked. I create my shipping label and pay online, wrap everything up, take it to the UPS store, and the person waiting on me just asked if I want a receipt and that is it.
I doubt Wine will freeze w/ 12+% alcohol. Least not enough to break the bottle.

You haven't been to Minnesota. Haven't you ever put a bottle of wine in the freezer hoping to give it a quick chill and then forgot about it? The next morning the bottle is broken and wine/slush is oozing out. Minnesota gets colder than that. In reality though, while in transit, I would expect that your package, surrounded by other packages, wouldn't usually drop to extreme low temps even in Minnesota unless it sat in a trailer outside over a weekend.

Just to be safe, I always line the inside of my shipping box with a water tight plastic bag so that if one bottle does break, it doesn't leak out of the box. If a box starts leaking, the delivery company will pull it because they won't know what the liquid is and it could be hazarous.
I surround each on in bubble wrap. I the get a box, aly down a layer of peanuts (styrofoam), lay each bottle in (about 2 inches apart), then cover with peanuts. Tape box shut. So far, never had a broken bottle.

Also try using the neoprene wine bottle bags available at the dollar store - at a buck apiece these things are great for protecting them ( or just carrying them when you take a bottle or two with you to someones house).
Announcement on the news tonight. You will now be required to furnish ID when you ship FedEx and UPS packages. Due to the recent toner cart. that were explosives.

Just FYI everybody.
Didnt hear about that one Steve. Julie, I am asked whats in the package every time and I ship a lot out. Make sure you change up what you say as I have been saying the same for quite some time and finally some one asked me if I make it and would sell them some!! Hehehe. I had to tell them it was a store bought marinade that just isnt sold over there/
I gonna ship her some. Maybe 3 or 4 bottles. I now have corks and a corker, all of my wine is in screw cap bottles. Should I transfer it to corked bottles or keep it in the screw cap bottles? Which is safer to ship as far as leaking?


Semper Fi
Id say corks would be better for shipping methods. Wrap them up good with bubble wrap. Out of about 85 times I only ever lost one bottle but the other 3 in the bax survived and they cleaned up the mess inside the box and finished the delivery. Funn story is it was the first time I ever was stupid enough to actually put cash in there as I was also paying for some honey and the UPS guy cleaned that up to! :( They never called me or anything about the bottle busting and them cleaning it up and I mean they opened the box, wiped everything down but grabbed the envelope with $50 in it. They did however post the problem in the tracking area on their site.
Since I have never corked before, how much head room and do new corks need sanatizing, also I have a buch of used corks, can they be re-used?


Semper Fi
Since I have never corked before, how much head room and do new corks need sanatizing, also I have a buch of used corks, can they be re-used?


Semper Fi

Bud, NO you cannot reuse corks! They'll leak. Yes your corks should be sanitized even if it is just pouring some kmeta over them. Do not soak them. Leave about an inch of head room.

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