Lees floating on top after using super Kleer KC

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Nov 19, 2010
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I am at the final stage for two 6 gallon batches of strawberry wine. Used super kleer KC as I've used in the past. No problem with one batch....cleared and lees settled within 24 hours. The other batch however has what appears to be lees floating on top; even appears to be foamy. I was hoping to bottle both of these at the same time; guess not now. I used KC 1st part then the 2nd part 1 hour later. I also used my mixing wand with drill (on lowest speed); which I have used before without issue. Could I have mixed too fast or too long? I wonder if I whipped it accidentally? What else could have happened? Wine was stable, even with this foamy stuff on top of the wine there is no activity in the airlock. What should my next step be? Do I have to filter it now?
sometime I get stuff on top with Super Kleer. I just keep shaking it a little every day and it all ends up sinking. I figure it is just CO2 that didnt get out holding stuff up, or it is still fermenting....it happens
Yes, this is a result of not degassing enough. Ive been there before myself. With still a little trapped C02 in there and then adding something that has fine particles in it it gives the C02 molecules to attach to and the bubbles rise to the top and attract stirred up sediment on the way. Gently stirring it down or rocking the carboy dhould work unless uou havr an excessive amount of gas still in there. If thats the case your going to have to degas it much better.