Lazy Neighbor

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Removed my original comment. Become gun shy that just about any joke or what was going to be my joke on this joke has the potential of offending someone.
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Removed my original comment. Become gun shy that just about any joke or what was going to be my joke on this joke has the potential of offending someone.

Sadly, saying 'Have a nice day' can result in 'Don't tell me what kind of day to have!'. I figure if you are that uptight, there's not much hope to help you.
We have definitely become a "nation of the offended", you can't say anything without someone taking offense to it.
Telling a female coworker, "oh you look nice today."

When I used to work (a long time ago) that was considered "sexual harassment." We were told to say, "that dress is very nice," or I really like that outfit."

I have said and I will repeat, the two things that ruined this country are political correctness and EEO (not that it was a bad philosophy, but bad because of the way it was applied). When we went from being a "meritocracy" to "EEO" we killed the greatest nation in history.
Sadly, saying 'Have a nice day' can result in 'Don't tell me what kind of day to have!'. I figure if you are that uptight, there's not much hope to help you.

Not sure if you're saying there is not much hope for me because of what I last posted or your last sentence is about a person, not necessarily me, that would react negatively to hearing someone say to them 'Have a nice day'.

I am by nature a kidder, teaser and joker but rereading what I first posted on the joke I saw how it might offend someone who perhaps recently lost a love one who died of a heart attack. i'm personally not offended by this joke nor was I by the one about the former Marine cold cocking his college professor.

When joking, kidding and teasing it is important that you know your audience and how it might or likely is to be received by them. Every now and then someone will get offended even though there was no intent of your doing so.

I think getting a read on your audience is difficult to do on forums like this one. I like that there is here on WMT a separate Joke Forum. Enter with the knowledge that you risk being offended and if you happen to be offended by the joke trust that that was not the intent of the poster - that's what I think.
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Not sure if you're saying there is not much hope for me because of what I last posted or your last sentence is about a person, not necessarily me, that would react negatively to hearing someone say to them 'Have a nice day'.

I am by nature a kidder, teaser and joker but rereading what I first posted on the joke I saw how it might offend someone who perhaps recently lost a love one who died of a heart attack. i'm personally not offended by this joke nor was I by the one about the former Marine cold cocking his college professor.

When joking, kidding and teasing it is important that you know your audience and how it might or likely is to be received by them. Every now and then someone will get offended even though there was no intent of your doing so.

I think getting a read on your audience is difficult to do on forums like this one. I like that there is here on WMT a separate Joke Forum. Enter with the knowledge that you risk being offended and if you happen to be offended by the joke trust that that was not the intent of the poster - that's what I think.

Sorry I wasn't clear on my statement, Bill, all I was saying is that people will be offended by the simplest and most benign statements these days. The only way to avoid offending someone is to not say a thing and that would, in itself, be offensive. Political correctness is a waste of time and a waste of the intelligence of grown, free thinking people. I consider the term 'politically correct' to be an oxymoron - if it is political, it can't be correct.

Bottom line, we all need to lighten up a bit. Be able to laugh at ourselves as well as situations we observe. I don't think anyone here intends to be offensive. We are here to enjoy ourselves and to learn. Time for all of us to collectively re-the-hell-lax!
If you are offended......

When joking, kidding and teasing it is important that you know your audience and how it might or likely is to be received by them. Every now and then someone will get offended even though there was no intent of your doing so.

I think getting a read on your audience is difficult to do on forums like this one. I like that there is here on WMT a separate Joke Forum. Enter with the knowledge that you risk being offended and if you happen to be offended by the joke trust that that was not the intent of the poster - that's what I think.

Like he said...but... if you are offended, please ask yourself why?

Just my 2.0.

Well gee, since there's this great coversation about political correctness and people being offended, let me see if that means I can once again write on this site what my ITALIAN grandfather used to call his OWN wine: "**** Red"

Nope! Didn't think so! :)

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