kits gone bad - boo hoo!

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Senior Member
May 28, 2008
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So, I lived in Texas and had an unexpected job opportunity arise in Floridaand had to shut down wine making so we could show our house without it looking like a bunch of winos lived there. We sold it quicker then we expected and had to move to a rental in Texas, then to a rental in Florida, and finally to a house -and drug 9 un-made wine kits around with us to each place. Little did I expect that it would be a couple of years before I would be able to make them or I would have given them to winemaking friends. When I finally opened the first one - whew! there was a distinctive smell - I can't describe it except to say it was "Sherry-like" but not in a good way - and it had turned coffee-brown.Five of them were like that and by the time I smelled all of them I was not feeling too good - figuratively and literally. Three of them had a slight oxidized smell but were still purple in color and tasted alright so I am making those and will see how they turn out. Poured the bad concentrate in the yard and even after a couple of rains the yard smelled liked oxidized wine!

So, I don't know that there is a lesson to learn from this but just wanted to share my misfortune!
I guess the reallesson learned is that wine makers shouldn'tmove. Just too much trouble to cart around kits in waiting like yours or carboys full of bulk aging wine. Wine before job???? Something's wrong with my priorities I think.
The lesson for today comes from our good friend BOB who is flooded out up in MO.

His sig states "drink no wine before its time....... Its time!"

Lets just change that to "make no wine before its time......Its time!"
I lugged cases of bottled wine also - they made the trip better however.

I agree - it is time to make more wine!
A little over two years ago I moved from Wyoming and my very happy neighbors got my wine and some beer. I moved to Lafayette, LA and as soon as I started back up I had to move again. Luckily I was able to take most that I had made this time but still made some neighbors very happy. Now I am happily living in the finger lakes region of NY and have told my boss I'm not moving ever again. Heck, I still can't find half of my stuff from the 1st move. No more I say! I'm going to find a nice lot of acreage and firmly plant my feet, not to mention a bunch of grapes and fruits and such. Maybe even start my own bee hives, if I can convince the wife that they won't Moving is counter productive to happiness I say!

Seems like every time I move my home or talk to someone who has just moved, the first thing out of their mouth is "Never again!!"