K sorbate and Campden Tablets to Stabilze

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Aug 5, 2011
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First off, this is the first time I have stabilized my wine for bottling. I usually do just 1 gallon batches and gift or drink it before it would become a problem. Now, I just put 2 1/2 teaspoons of K sorbate and 5 campden tabletsin a small amount of water and mixedwell and putin a 5 gallon batch of muscadine wine that is around 4 months old. I am getting ready to back sweeten a little bit and bottle in a week or so and after adding this to my wine this morning it of course had a bad smell. I know the campden tablets have the sulfur smell but I was wondering will time allow that smell to disipate? When I took the bung and airlock off the wine this morning before adding the stabilizer it smelled awesome and now like I said has a little of an odor. Also, it had been racked 3 times to this point and is clear as a bell, but has a sligh haze to it now, will this settle?


Yes, that will go away pretty shortly. So you were handing out possible bottle bombs before? You could have been labeled a terrorist!
yes sir, the couple times I have made wine over the last 2 years it was done the way my friend and his grandad has done it and it is at best a country way. The more I read on wine making after getting intrested in it the more I started to see how different people do things. I have been doing it the more appropriate way the last 6 months and they just laugh when I say something about a SG, Hydrometer, Campden tablets or any other chemical for that matter.........It is a intresting way they do things and it has worked for them, but yes, they do have alot of blown off corks at times.....