WineXpert Island mist wildberry shiraz

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I put a themometer under my bed where the wildberry schiraz is ageing,
it seems to be a steady 56 degree's, this time of year anyway, the
inportant thing is it stayed steady, the room swings from 66 to 55
depending if I am home or working.
Be careful of too sudden temp changes. That seems pretty sudden, if you are letting it fluctuate that much relative to your coming and going. A more steady temp of 66 would be great. Did you know it takes way less energy to keep the room at 66* than to heat it back up to that over and over? Same for here in the summer, takes less electricity to just keep the digital thermostat on 74*F.
LOL...uh...yes, especially today, but I keep the furnace on 68*F, it is 46*F outside now, it seems the storms brought cool weather
No, we have natural gas that runs down the streets and byways and pipes into almost everyone's house. Reliance Energy Arkla. It used to be just Arkla Gas.
Ah, just like in the movies, when it blows, everyone goes?

Nothing like that here, those that have gas, it's for the stove or water heaters. They have portable tanks anchored to the side of the garage or house somewhere. Some homes at "higher elevations" get fancy and have piped in fireplaces. (Probably used for Christmas effects) If one is caught with more than 1 blanket, they usually are classified ill.
Glenvall your lucky. Natural gas don't come out as far as I am from town. So I use propane and wood heat. That is the reason I don't make much wine during the winter. It's much easier to keep my house air conditioned at a constant temp.

I hear ya. I have a 3 burner infra-red heater in case the power goes out from an ice storm or something.
CW, I guess that you would be able to do some kinda cooking on that thang if need be?
No. Maybe roast weiners and marshmallows. We would probably just eat sammiches or out of cans.

I don't know how this got to the heating emporium thread, but it cost
me $1700.00 for fuel oil this year and I burned 2 cord of wood too.
(and my oil was locked in at $1.50 gallon)
So I guess the question is will CO2 go away over time or is it stuck in a bottle of wine till you open it, I think I'll get one of those vacuum caps and draw a vacuum on a bottle and see if it gasses off. I think there is just a little CO2 in my wildberry but it annoys me.
The CO2 will not go anywhere when it is trapped in an unopened bottle. A Vacu Vin should help but a simpler approach is just to pour a glass at a time and give it a good swirl or two and let it sit and the CO2 gas will dissipate on it's own.

Do you have a drill mounted stirrer yet for future batches?
that fizz-ex thingy is on my list, I made sure to stir long and hard on my white wine kit, right now I'm preoccupied with syrup.
Bought a vacuum cap today to test my wildberry schiraz and it is full of CO2, lesson learned! My fizz-x is on the way.
I had a bottle in the fridge for 24 hours with the vacucap on it and it
still didn't taste that good to me, maybe I don't like sweet wine after
all, maybe the more work you put in the better YOU think it tastes
(beauty in the eye of the holder?) so this means my blueberry wine will
be the
I just fined and stablized my second Island Mist kit, a Blackberry
Cabernet, the CO2 was unbelievable, it just kept coming out!! no wonder
my first kit had CO2 in it!! If you just starting and doing a Island
Mist kit, stir all the CO2 off in the start of the stablizing stage
before adding the chitosan.

I stir for 15 to 20 minutes total for all my kits. Ya it may be overkill but it works.
