WineXpert Island mist wildberry shiraz

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Senior Member
Feb 26, 2005
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Tomorrow is my day off and seven days my wildberry has been in the carboy, I have the glass carboys with ridges on the outside and on the inside you can see crud sticking where the lines are I can't help but think it is going to get stirred up, my plan is to rack 5 gallons to a 5 carboy and bottle 1 gallon to drink, this is a special wine that only needs 18 minutes to age properly
I'll try to carefully get the 4 bottles out first, this wine is DARK
you can't see though it at all even with a flashlight right at the neck of the carboy.
7 days after fining agents have been added is not long enough for fines to settle out....I would suggest a minimum of 2 weeks.

A gentle shake of the carboy while it is settling works great to get the fines off the sides and settle to the bottom. Also letting it settle longer allows the lees to compact and less likely to get disturbed when racking for bottling.
I am sure you are 100% correct
but I need some wine to drink, and after spending 500 in the last month the bottle of cheap wine I paid for on the way home last night $7 rubs me the wrong way...I thought I had a good plan for a quick sip..of course a bottle of wine gets me 2 days, 1/2 bottle blitzes me (well time for bed anyway). I don't have a normal plumbing inside me like you earthlings do (did I say that or just think it?) anyway my stomac is disconected and what I eat goes strait to my small intestine, a glass of wine hits my brain before the glass hits the
I agree with masta, 7 days just isn't enough. I disagree, however, with masta about the 14 days. That, in my opinion isn't enough either. I would wait at least a month.

Patience is important in this hobby if you want to make a good wine. I found this out with my chrysanthemum wine. No one liked it, and even spit it out, but it won a first place ribbon almost a year after bottling.

If you want to get drunk, buya bottle of 10 dollar carlo-rossi (or some nyquil) or if you can't sleep.
I also agree that a month would be best....but I have many of these Island Mist kits and they are ready to drink as soon as they are clear which only takes 2 to 3 weeks after using the fining supplied with the kit

but it sounds like he is ready to drink it now..cloudy or clear!

"pass the lips and over the gums look out small it comes"
Edited by: masta
Well, you're the expert, I guess! I haven't made an island mist kit (yet), but my mom keeps telling me I should!!!!

What flavors would you suggest? She's a white-zin woman...

She always wants me to make some for my sister too. She's a "wine-cooler" kinda gal...
The wife was a White-Zin women also till we tried the White Merlot and no more White-Zin!

the WE Selection White Merlot is excellent and actually cheaper than the White Zin...I have made 10 kits of this!

in the Island Mist the Tropical Fruit Gewürztraminer is the clear winner with the wife and her girl friends!
I just went out and wiggled the carboy left and right and the crud all fell of the sides like you said masta, thank you
I think I'm being reasonable here, I'm willing to sit on 5 gallons if I
can just "test" one, I just want to play with the
The White Merlot from WE is a trememdous kit. I normally don't like sweet wines, but this one is very different as the Merlot really comes out.

As to Island mist, I have a lot of customers raving over the Black Raspberry Merlot and the Blackberry Cabernet. I have had mixed reviews on all of the fruit zinfandels. Some people like them, but others, not My mom's favorite is the Orchard Breezin' Raspberry White Zin.
Thanks for the input. I am going to have to save my pennies to get that White Merlot kit.

But then again, if I win the March Madness................ Hahahaha
I also like white merlot. Not my wife. Ifa wineis not nearly chewy sweet, she won't touch it. Edited by: Country Wine
I racked my wildberry into a 1 gallon and 5 gallon jug today, it was
clear but had the taste of carbonation so I will let it sit longer. I
filled the 1 gallon first so it would be clear, then the 5 gallon which
worked well I picked up sediment into the 5er tying to get all the wine
out. I have a funny feeling the 5 will still be settling after the one
is gone missing (lets just say the small one won't make it into the
bottles) so I topped up the 5 with the one so it is 2" below the top
and the 1 is about 2/3rds full.
That sounds like a good plan. You might need to keep the jug in the fridge. If you have a smaller container to put it in so you can keep it topped up, that would be good, even 2 or 3 bottles will be better than having the large ullage.
A tip of the hat to both Stinkie and Country. Together you two might be trouble.

I think Stinkie's idea of the 1 gallon jug is fabulous. I don't think the jug would last in my house either! I also like countries idea, but get some Altec Tasters Corks and use them in the bottles. The corks won't hold a long time, but they should last for a week or so. At least long enough!
I would just hate for Stinkie's wine to get oxidated and as an inexperienced winemaker, he might blame the bad taste on the product.

I appreciate the advise, we definately don't want Stinkie to get off to a bad start.
Absolutely not. We want everyone to enjoy this great hobby to their very fullest. It shall be mutually beneficial to us all.
I'll bottle the three bottles in the gallon jug today and I get to try
my bottle cork inserter and see how that goes. I shinned a flashlight
through the gallon jug last night at 2am before bed and it was clear
and great looking!! Thanks for all the advice
I bottled two bottles and two 1/2 bottles, the purtugese capper I got
for $13 worked great, I forgot to presoak the corks so I soaked them in
campden water for 1/2 hour first and used #8's they should be fine
three weeks and they will be history

The gallon jug still had 1/2 bottle left in it but it is almost gone
now, after my 3rd bowl of pasta e fogoili. the wine is still a little
CO2ish but not bad.