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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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I have three different locally grown white wines bulk aging. I'm wondering if there is a list or website that gives a timeframe of when wines could be or should be bottled and consumed?
As far as bottling goes a wine can be bottled anytime it is clear and stable. Stable meaning that the wine has completely fermented and has been adjusted for sweetness, pH, TA, S02, and oak level if applicable.

I found the chart below with some guidelines. The correct conditions are key to your wine aging properly like a constant temperature (56-57 degrees) total darkness and no vibration.

<TABLE cellPadding=8 border=2><T>
<TD>Wine Type</TD>
<TD>Aging Suggestion</TD></TR>
<TD>0-3 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Beaujolais Nouveau</TD>
<TD>Bordeaux, Red</TD>
<TD>7-12 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Bordeaux, White</TD>
<TD>4-10 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Cabernet Sauvignon</TD>
<TD>5-10 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Champagne, non-Vintage</TD>
<TD>0-2 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Champagne, Vintage</TD>
<TD>5-10 years</TD></TR>
<TD>0-5 years</TD></TR>
<TD>0-5 years</TD></TR>
<TD>2-5 years</TD></TR>
<TD>0-4 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Port, non-vintage, tawny, etc.</TD>
<TD>0-5 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Port, Vintage</TD>
<TD>10-20 years
far more for some</TD></TR>
<TD>5-10 years</TD></TR>
<TD>0-5 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Zinfandel, Red</TD>
<TD>5-10 years</TD></TR>
<TD>Zinfandel, White</TD>
<TD>0-1 years</TD></TR></T></T></TABLE>Edited by: masta
Thanks, Masta! I'll keep looking for the locally grown grape recommendations.
Do you have any local wineries that make wine from the particular grapes you use? If so, give them a call and talk to to theirwine master.

Joan said:
Yes, there are wineries that make wine from the juice I used! Great idea. Thanks Smurfe!I also found this pdf file that may be on interest. There is all kinds of info in it. The photographs alone are worth the download! I especially like the wine bottles in the Adirondack chairs! Too funny!

That book is most interesting...will be browsing through it today...let the house cleaning wait....
Excellent post Joan with all the info one would need before a trip to NY for wine tasting.

I though cleaning the house was getting all the wine bottles cleaned
and if any de labeled.. and put in case boxes marked by
type. of couse the bottles would be cleaned again and sanitized
be fore bottling. AHHHHH clean house.
HouseCleaning are </font> stuff you do once a year....before Thanksgiving ...with the group I am expecting I should clean after they leave...nasty aren't I???
Northern Winos said:
HouseCleaning are stuff you do once a year....before Thanksgiving ...with the group I am expecting I should clean after they leave...nasty aren't I???
I never know which is worse! The cleaning before or after!
I have to admit though, that Bert's family is really good about helping with that cleaning stuff towards the end of a function. And for that I am blessed twentyfold.