Is it possible to make a sweet wine without pottasium sorbate?

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One time I used to back sweeten using aspartame, which at the time I thought gave a nice taste, I wont use it anymore because it has been linked to ill health in some people reportedly.

I then resolved myself to using sorbate and drinking in the short term.

There is wines you can make which are sweet and keep well, port or sherry type wines, which also, don't need sorbate.
Ok, good to know.

I have a few questions about Xylitol:
Has anyone used Xylitol before?
Is there enough of it added typically to create bowel issues in sensitive people?
Is it discernible from regular sugar?
Will it have any effects on a wine that is aged for a long while?
Usually you don't add enough Xylitol to be an issue, if you add enough to be an issue I think you would be making a syrup, rather than a wine IMO...

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