I think I'm stuck

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Jan 27, 2009
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Just bought a LODI Sav Blanc (refrigerated fresh juice). Brought it home and let sit overnight to get to room temperature +/- 70 degrees. Pitched yeast (Red Star Cota des Blanc) about 36 hours ago. Now, when I first brought it into the house, it was hissing and fermenting within the closed lid through the bleed hole. But now that the lid is off and yeast is added, there is hardly ANY action. The S.G at start was 1.014 and it still remains at that now. It seemed low to begin with. Do you think it fermented 3/4 of the way on its' own without yeast? Should I cover the primary and let it go for a couple of days? Where do you think this wine should end in regards to S.G.?
And for my 1000th post...

1.014 indicates that it was close to finish as far as fermentation occurs. It was doing fine on its own. What happened was you innoculated with a different strain, and now instead of eating, they are at war with each other to see who will become the dominant strain.

Cover the primary to keep it protected, and I would use another strain like Lalvin EC-1118 or better yet K1V-1116 since that has the "kill factor" in it to kill off the other yeast and allow K1V to complete the fermentation for you. Right now, I'd say you have a stuck fermentation and will need a starter to finish this wine.
Are you sure you read the hydrometer right? Like Dean said its almost done if thats right. Look inside and see if you can se any bubbles. It could be just a bad seal. You did put a airlock on right? I never use the lid that comes in a all juice bucket as they seem prone not to seal airtight.
I don't have the lid on tight yet as I usually allow o2 the first 24-48 hrs. I am reading S.G. correctly. There is very very small & few bubbles present. So you think I should get #1118 yeast and pitch it?
Hey Dean. Should I be honored to receive your 1000th post or is it that you answered this same question 1000 times. LOL. Either way... Thank you.
If you have it make a starter then pitch it. If you dont have dont bother as it will probably be done by the time you get it unlessyou get itlocal.

You did say that it was bubbling out of the vent so it could very well be almost done.
You could do like Dean says and add a stronger yeast to make sure it finishes.

As an alterantive method to that, I might try to add some yeast nutrient in a clean carboy. I would then stir up the bucket of must and after stirring rack it to the carboy with the nutrient in it. Let it splash as it transfers to introduce more oxygen. Often times just the physical transfer is enough to reenergize the yeast and get it going again (assuming the yeast you added didn't totally kill the old yeast). Put an airlock on it and watch to see if it starts bubbling to finish up.
If I re-yeast and transfer to a 6 gal carboy, do you think the fermentation might get too violent for the narrow top of carboy? I just picked up more Cote des blanc and nutrient. i was going to start it with a little sugar alone, then add to primary, seal & air lock.
It should be fine in glass at your current SG. The previous post by me was my 1000th post on this board :)
Just leave the juice level down a few inches to give room for the head that forms- probably half way down the gentle slope near the top. I wouldn't add more yeast, you already have plenty in there. You not only have what started it originally plus what you added, you also have all the multiplied yeast cells. A lot are dead, but many are still viable if given more oxygen to get breathing again.
Mark, is this still last years juice(Lodi Gold) from you know where? I bought one there in January of this year and it was at 1.045 with a temp of around 40* so I believe its warm enough in that cooler that the yeast was just able to survive but cold enough to keep it so very slow. I know cold ferments are best for whites but thats damn cold and wonder if this will be the greatest white ever!!!!
How much are they selling them for now. I got mine at a decent discount then and that was quite awhile ago.
You know what... you're right. It is last years and that is exactly what happened. I bought it from one of the helpers on Saturday along with a Barolo so she didn't give a discount other than the days special. I think you're also right in the "slow, cold ferment". I did end up, this evening, to boil 4oz of water, let cool, mixed another RED STAR yeast and pitched. I covered the primary bucket with air lock and I'll let it sit for maybe a week, then check S.G.. It is slightly bubbling so I think it will be OK. I wanted to seal the primary up so it won't oxidize. I'll let you know what happens. I think I have to give it a "wait and see" approach. Thanks to all.
P.S... It was good to see you and Vince this weekend.
It was a good time and Vince and I had a decent buzz going by the time all the wines were judged!
Nice meeting the wife also.