WineXpert How old is too old

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Apr 12, 2011
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How old would a kit have to be before you are unwilling to pay full price?
A WineXpert retailer (that charges $20.00 more per kit and has no
loyalty program) stated that no wine kit bag is impervious to air, and that kits can start oxidizing in as little as 3 months. While I balked at that statement, another WineXpert retailer has kits that are well over a year old (as per the date code) that were not marked on sale, but I was offered a discount when I noted the date code. I passed, electing to wait for some "fresher" dated codes.

What do you think?
Calling BS on that statement. I have had kits in my cool closet for up to a year. White wine no less and they look just as fresh and lightly colored as a commercial bottle of the shelf. So as long as the bag is in good shape and not leaking, that juice is NOT oxidizing just sitting there. Now would I pay full price for a year old kit? No unless it was a LR or LE kit and I really, really wanted that kit or another just like it as the first one turned out so good.
I have made kits that have been 1 1/2 years out of date with no problems, those were reds. whites i would think a year before they turn dark.
BTW, we will be having a sale on OD kits, nothing more than 6 months out. should be posting later this week or early next....lots of web time involved.

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