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Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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In my "believe it or Not" thread Rick used Zinfandel grapes and the wine was red. He told to make white wine the skins have to be removed. Is that true? I just thought white grapes = white wine. bk
Side note:

Try this, but you will find tha the red zin is SOOOOOOO much better than the white zin!

(just my opinion)

Most grape juice is white, the red color comes from the skins.
Don't ruin a great zin grape by making a blush wine from it!
Just kidding! If you like blush wines, go for it. I, like many others, started out drinking sweet, blush wines.
i like to ferment zin with the skins .and push cap down three times a day till primary fermentation is done...but thats me::then i pour it through a white new cotton pillow case and twist to get the full color out
i like to ferment zin with the skins .and push cap down three times a day till primary fermentation is done...but thats me::then i pour it through a white new cotton pillow case and twist to get the full color out

I think that you are right on the money with your punch - downs. Most people do this 2 or 3 times a day during primary.

One suggestion is to aquire a small press rather than using a pillow case.